Gear rewards for new raids/new content... opinions wanted

Just an idea for DEVs and the community... For any new content, why not make a reward incentive for the middle? We basically have 4 gear "tiers" right now: "Bronzium" gear; the "5-20" needed gear like mkII/mkIII holo projectors, mkIII detonators, mkIV sorosuubs, etc; the"50 needed" gear like guns, cuffs, Carbantis, Rancor raid gear, etc; and the yellows/AAT/G11 gear. So why not have the "50 needed" gear (of which we all know is a huge bottleneck) as rewards for rank 11-20, 1-10 would get the G11 stuff, etc. This would foster more cooperation in raids or other new guild content. The guild would still have to cause enough damage to win the raid but cooperate in the best manner to maximize each member's needed gear.

I think this would solve MANY problems and complaints people have while still allowing EA to make money off of whales


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