Building a jedi team... am I on the right track for Areana and GW?

Obviously, Yoda will become a part of this team once I can unlock him....


Currently I have:

6* Lumi Gear 7
6* JC Gear 8
5* Eeth Koth Gear 7
4* QGJ Gear 7
4* Ahsoka Tano gear 7
2* Guardian Gear 3
2* Kit Fisto Gear 2

I have been working on Catina Points to get QGJ and Ahsoka to 5* to unlock Yoda before this period of accessability goes away and am working on the top 5 towards 7 stars. Am I on the right track? they seem the easiest to farm at this point.

Also in relation to GW and Arena I generally run with mostly the same team but I also have on the bench.

4* Rey Gear 7
4* Dooku Gear 7
4* Sidious Gear 6
4* Darth Maul Gear 6
4* Vader Gear 4
4* Chewwy Gear 5
3* "Fives" Gear 6
4* Talia Gear 5

What is my best option?


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    Based on my limited experience, I can say that I think Ahsoka and Darth Maul are pretty bad characters. The reason is, mainly, their speed - Ahsoka at 5* is 90, Maul is 80. Both will be stains on the floor before their turn comes up.

    Having said that, I'm at a loss as to who else is farmable (and even vaguely viable) to get Yoda. Ahsoka shares the tokens with Qui-Gonn, which is a pain - he is by far and away the better character.

    I've got Ahsoka at 5* and to be honest, I don't think I'll take her any higher. The Yoda event will run again and in that time, I'll farm for Mace Windu who, I gather, is a better character.
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    Thanks, I have been really torn on Ahsoka, love her evasion and Self Healing abilities, but having her sit at 4* while I pound away on QGJ and can do nothing to help her along is killing me

    Would really like another farmable character..I do not have the levels to farm for bariss unlocked yet and it almost seems a waste of energy to me at this time to get there (I have only 1 of 80 shards....)

    Was also wondering on Jedi Anakin, I have 2 locations to which I can farm him(possible max of 6 shards a day, my luck probably 1)
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    Qgj as leader with lumi and Yoda is solid. Get Rey to 5 stars plus and u got a solid team baseline
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    I looked at Anakin too, my only issue with him is that he isn't as farmable. At least, not with the locations I've got unlocked!

    Rey does indeed hit like a dump truck, that much is true (I've been a victim of her quite a few times in the arena!).

    As far as Bariss goes, I don't like her - and I may well be on my own in this, I admit. She has a ton of health, and seems to be able to heal through any anti-healing debuffs, but doesn't hit very hard. At least, not that I've observed when using as a borrowed character or as an opponent.

    As far as Ahsoka goes, I only picked up her shards very early on because I liked the character in Clone Wars. I've heard that self-healing in this game isn't such a great trait, and although she is slower than a glacier, I do use her in GW in my 'B' team.

    I'm in a similar position to you though, so I've decided to continue farming Koth (he's got some utility against droid teams so not a waste of space!), Qui-Gon, Luminara and Jedi Consular, and think about my 5th 7*. But for the Arena, I have a 7* Geonosian Soldier who provides the big hits, much the same as Rey would do for you I guess.
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    Qgj as leader with lumi and Yoda is solid. Get Rey to 5 stars plus and u got a solid team baseline

    who should be my fifth?

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    Qgj as leader with lumi and Yoda is solid. Get Rey to 5 stars plus and u got a solid team baseline

    who should be my fifth?


    If I had your lineup, I personally would choose Dooku. He's very irritating with his constant counter, and the speed boost from QGJ as leader is going to make him quite potent.
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