Dark Half recruiting (in training for HAAT)

1 posts Member
edited August 2017
Dark Half are currently recruiting members. We do regular Pit and AAT raids and are currently using AAT to train for HAAT raiding.

We need new members after cutting free the deadwood that has been holding us back.

Guild Name - Dark Half
Time Zone - UK
Player Base - Mixture, but mainly UK
Pit level - Heroic (T7)
Tank level - AAT (training for HAAT)
Pit Raid Rules - Zero damage hits for 24 hours and then FFA as its done in 15/20 mins and we like everyone to at least get something.
Guild Rules - Be active, do your 600 and GAs, be nice, help your guild mates and have fun.

We have many powerful players, one with constant top spot in The Fleet.

No application needed, open membership at the moment.

My ally code is 639 359 426 if you'd like to take a look.
Post edited by Dodferatu on


  • Options
    What time does raids usually open?

    How far are you into HAAT?

    Think i might be leaving my guild soon and have 24 7* characters at gear XI
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