Excess Gear Salvages

Hello Devs, can you please do something about those hundreds or maybe thousands of excess gears ?
The gear donation system, in my opinion, doesn't really help since the majority of players asks for the gears that other players have in a really low number too.
A feature to convert salvages to higher quality would really help (ex. : converts 50 Mk. I to one piece of Mk. II). Or maybe we can sell those for credits.


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    Same goes for Ability mats, I have like 2600 mk I and like 1600 mk II and I'd love to be able to do something at least marginally useful with them
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    I don't think that anyone would be complaining about having these things in their inventories if we weren't short of other things.

    We have to keep in mind that there must always be a bottleneck to power - you have to earn that first zeta, earn your way to the level cap. Their can't be an instant-win shortcut. If they announced tomorrow that you could trade in 20 x Mk1s for 1 x Zeta, this would instantly "win" you zetas. It's not like you made a choice to horde them, you weren't allowed to sell them.

    So gear trade ins/ups should be of limited scope and ability mat trade ins/ups maybe shouldn't exist (though maybe selling for credits would be okay).

    But I fully agree that the gear bottleneck shouldn't be where it is. I have 40 or so toons waiting on Mk3 holos right now, and if they got them, it's either as part of a Fusion Furnace at g8 or g9, or it's probably alone at g6/g7. The game has g11 now and will soon have g12. The bottleneck should have moved higher as newer gear tiers were made available. I have several good toons blocked at g6 because I can't spare a Holo when I could package it in a Fusion Furnace for a character that's already more developed. R2D2 is one of these. I'd really like to make r2 g7, but he needs 2 x Mk3 Holos and Other characters at higher gear tiers would benefit from them more. So r2 sits at 7* and mostly useless.

    So please don't focus on the excess gear, Devs. Please focus on the way that the location of current bottlenecks hurts character diversity and the same time that Mod Challenges, Omega challenges, Heists, and other events are trying to encourage character diversity.
  • StrelnikovKillz
    4 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Specifically, it sounds like most gamers are asking for the following:
    1. A way to convert level 1 gear to level 2 gear, level 8 gear to level 9 and so on
    2. A way to convert level 1,2 ability materials to level 3; and possibly level 3 ability materials to omegas, etc

    The exchange/conversion rate could be worked out by developers to something that makes sense. Clearly, it doesn't matter to them if I have 1200+ Mk2 whatever gear and 1600+ level 2 ability materials, but it is frustrating to me as a player!

    The only other viable player favored option is to give out better gear with the Ally Points. It looks like the developers are still trying to figure out what to do with the whole Ally Points thing anyway. Why not kill two birds with one stone by setting up an Ally Point/Gear/Materials Store/Exchange that could help players get that elusive level 9,10 gear and level 3,omega,zeta ability materials?

    At least let us get credits for all the excess gear like we can sell mods that are excessive. If I couldn't sell duplicate/excess mods I would have 500 unusable mods by now. Seems like a bare min fix to just add sell button for excess gear/materials attached to a table with credit value for each item. That's something I could code over a weekend and I'm not a programmer.
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