They really need to fix gw

108 posts Member
So node 11 i run into cls, tarken, r2, asoko fulcrum, and general Kenobi all gear 11 and maxed with zetas all over 200 speed wipes out everything how do you except us to beat a team like that


  • ZetaShooter88
    270 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Ya I got similar just did another post about this

    It's ridiculously unfair
  • Options
    Galactic War is a test of the endurance and depth of your roster. It isn't intended to be easy.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Tarkin doesn't even belong on that team. Just auto it
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Tarkin doesn't even belong on that team. Just auto it

    Ha! True that though.
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    It sucks but that's the point of GW. Take your medicine and move on to the next day. I'm expecting to finish around 80% each week at this point. Not 100% anymore.
  • Xcrit9
    108 posts Member
    SGMiller87 wrote: »
    Galactic War is a test of the endurance and depth of your roster. It isn't intended to be easy.

    True im day one player and have over 25 toons full gear and 7 zeta toons i think my roster is pretty strong for them all to get wiped out w/o putting a dent in the team is pretty much **** dont ya think
  • Options
    SGMiller87 wrote: »
    Galactic War is a test of the endurance and depth of your roster. It isn't intended to be easy.

    but you should be able to finish it even tho its hard. I encounter the same teams in the last 2 Nodes with Thrawn, Kenobi, Nihilus and Chaze and my 5 best teams cant even tickle it. Its supposed to be hard yes, but not frustrating and impossible.
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    The last nodes are very repetitive and boring
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Develop a strong team, instead of gearing everybody to g9 and leaving them there.
  • Xcrit9
    108 posts Member
    Develop a strong team, instead of gearing everybody to g9 and leaving them there.

    Like i said above i have 5 maxed teams and 7 zetas i dont do random i build one team at a time and didnt put a dent in that squad and b4 you say mods i have alot of great ones
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    You have 5 maxed teams with 7 zetas and none of them is Resistance w/ zFinn? I think I see the problem. profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
  • Xcrit9
    108 posts Member
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    You have 5 maxed teams with 7 zetas and none of them is Resistance w/ zFinn? I think I see the problem.

    Your right my resistance team is lacking no zetas there but they are all lev 85 and gear 9 maybe ill work on them after luke
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    Xcrit9 wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    You have 5 maxed teams with 7 zetas and none of them is Resistance w/ zFinn? I think I see the problem.

    Your right my resistance team is lacking no zetas there but they are all lev 85 and gear 9 maybe ill work on them after luke
    That's the thing; a Resistance team can succeed without needing to be very powerful. Just zeta Finn's leader ability, and in most fights, the other side never takes a single turn. profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
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