HAAT Guild looking for 1-2 good players(Raids on Farm, Line Required)

219 posts Member
edited August 2017
We are an easy going bunch just looking for a few more to join our group.

HAAT is easy and over in 4-5 hours right now.

We do a 24 hour check-in on Rancor, and a reset to 3:00/3:30pm EST checkin on HAAT. Both are FFAs after they begin.

600 coins isn't a requirement, but we do expect people to average over 500. We know people have lives, take vacations ect. So we look at averages over a few week period.

Line is required. Look me up my id is cypher82.

Looking for a few guys with some deeper rosters if possible 50+ 7*. Over half our guys have 50+ right now. Looking to prep for Hoth Battles.
Post edited by MP83_Cypher on


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