CLS and Rogue 1?

I'm thinking of putting CLS into my Rogue 1 team instead of K2...anyone try this yet? Any thoughts?


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    So Jyn, Cassian, Baze, Chirrut as your first four? Presumably you'd stay with Jyn as the leader because then you'd lose out on the expose leadership, which is really what an R1 team is about.

    I use that team plus R2, mainly because my shard (Dec 15) still has a wackload of Zaul teams, and R1+R2 is pretty much a guaranteed win against any Sith team.

    I do think CLS will be good with them (it looks like CLS will be good with any team), but it this case you'll be losing out on the stat gain + stealth + burn + stun that R2 brings, in addition to the extra exposes he can cause.

    Basically ... it depends on your shard, but I'd say go R2 over Luke if you're sticking with a Rogue One team.
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    He said K2 not R2. I would keep K2 but I don't have Baze on my squad so I rely on him for tank. I'm thinking of experimenting with my squad a bit but idk who I would replace. I wouldn't mind experiemtning with Old Ben now he has a Rebel tag or STH.
    My squad is Jyn, K2, R2, Cassian, Chirrut.
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    Olga wrote: »
    He said K2 not R2.

    I know. But if he has CLS, he has R2 at 7*s, so I was saying I have the same team but use R2 instead of K2 or Luke, and I have luck with it. :)
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    Ah okay, fair enough.
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    Moved to Strategy.
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    Cassian synergizes well with Jyn but he's also the weak point, he's quite fragile tbh.
    If you can stand the lack of Baze's dispell, perhaps something like Jyn (l) Luke R2 Cassian and K2SO (or Baze only) ? Something really agressive.

    Or perhaps (l) Jyn Luke R2 & Chaze.
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    The most trouble I have is with triple dispel teams, which ruins the whole Cassian-debuff play, so I think Baze is needed (especially for Rex teams). I might try R2 as well :)
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