Arena PVP frustrations

I really enjoy playing Galaxy of Heroes but a few things bother me particularly in PVP:

- One of my main frustrations come from switching places with whoever beats you in battle. So I'm in first place and some guy in 6th or 7th place beats me and immediately takes my place and I fall 6-7 places in ranking? Unfair in my opinion. If anything dropping 1-2 places in ranking seems more appropriate. Not to mention I should get a notification that I've dropped in ranking and not have to spam refresh in the game especially when it comes down to that last hour before prizes are handed out.

- Computer AI is downright stupid. Burning a special attack to take out an enemy with 2 health when a normal attack would have killed him/her is especially annoying in auto attack not to mention the targets the AI picks to attack is ridiculous as well, i.e. let's all attack Dooku and get counter attacked to defeat!

- I generally have no problem defeating AI controlled arena teams just for this fact. Every once in a while RNG stuns my healer or something to that effect for me to lose but it's rare when that happens.

- I personally would welcome the ability to create a different squad like a droid or nightsisters team but unfortunately I have to use the same cookie cutter group everyone else uses because of the way the AI is programmed to fight every battle and I get my butt handed to me anytime I try to be different. I understand it's impractical to be able to play real time against another player every time I'm challenged in an arena fight but I would like the option to set who my team attacks first such as an option to attack tanks or healers first or even the ability to target specific characters if they are in the other opposing players team. Even have an option at what percentage of health bar is on when my healer will heal so at least I have some sort of control of what my team does since I can't manually do it myself.

- One other option I would like is the ability to pass rather than attack. For example, I have a low health guy and Dooku or some other counter attacking character is the only one left. If I attack I know I die, I would like the option to pass so hopefully the turn my healer is on is able to heal me up so I could survive the counter attack that I know will kill me.

What do you guys think?


  • Sysy
    307 posts Member
    I would love to have an idle action choice as well!
  • Time
    293 posts Member
    I wish the pause feature actually paused. Got a phone call the second i initiated a fight today. When the call ended game was pauses but i had gotten a draw. One of the downsides to playing a timed game on a phone:(
  • Options
    the ai in game is a lot better than I expected, it will never be perfect no matter what game u play.

    the ranking system is fine....if u defeat the champion of the world in any are the new champion, not put in 4th place etc.

    but I do like your idle suggestion.
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