VaderChamber is Recruiting! Heroic Rancor/NAAT Guild-VERY Close to HAAT! Team-Minded Players ONLY!

We are a currently recruiting daily/Team-Minded players to help us get to our goal of HAAT. We are currently taking down the Heroic Rancor in @15 minutes (24 hr/ 1Character rule in place). We take down the NAAT in 1 refresh, and are very close to doing it without one. Our goal is HAAT, and we will be there pretty soon. We are US/EST based, and only rules we have are the 24:1 rule on heroic rancor, monitor raid ticket production, and remove members for more than 3 days activity. We are committed, but no overly serious, and like to have fun. After all, isn't that what a game is all about? If you'd like to be a part of our awesome guild, first leave your current guild, and then send me a request @ 113-168-515. Look forward to seeing you guys (and gals)! May the Force be with you all!
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