My Idea for a Reworked Mace Windu

15 posts Member
edited August 2017
This is my take on Mace Windu

Mace Windu

Jedi, Human, Attacker, Light Side, Galactic Republic, Fleet Commander

Health: 19728
Protection: 20,548
Speed: 130

A Jedi Attacker that has powerful anti-Sith bonuses and can expose enemies

Relentless Assault: (Omega)

Deal Physical Damage to target. This attack deals double damage to Sith

Level 1: +5% damage
Level 2: +15% damage
Level 3: +5% damage
Level 4: +5% damage
Level 5: +15% damage
Level 6: +5% damage
Level 7: +15% damage

Smite: (Cooldown: 3 turns) (Omega)

Deal Physical Damage and dispel all buffs on target and deals double damage to Sith. This Attack can't be avoided.

Level 1: +5% damage
Level 2: +5% damage
Level 3: +15% damage
Level 4: +5% damage
Level 5: +15% damage
Level 6: +5% damage
Level 7: This Attack can't be avoided

Vapaad: (Unique) (Omega)

Mace gains 10 Speed and 10% offense each turn. This stacks up to 50 Speed and 50% offense and resets when Mace is defeated.

Level 1: +1 Speed and 1% offense
Level 2: +1 Speed and 1% offense
Level 3: +1 Speed and 1% offense
Level 4: +1 Speed and 1% offense
Level 5: +1 Speed and 1% offense
Level 6: +1 Speed and 1% offense
Level 7: +1 Speed and 1% offense

Shatterpoint: (Unique) (Zeta)

Mace has a 55% chance to inflict expose on a random enemy during his turn. Enemies are taken out of stealth if they are exposed. This can't be resisted. Mace ignores taunt and recovers protection equal to the damage dealt to the exposed enemy and removes 40% turn meter from a exposed enemy.

Level 1: +5% turn meter removal
Level 2: +15% Expose Chance
Level 3: +5% turn meter removal
Level 4: +5% turn meter removal
Level 5: +15% Expose Chance
Level 6: + 5% turn meter removal
Level 7: Recover Protection equal to damage dealt to a exposed enemy.

Servants of the Republic: (Leader) (Omega)

Jedi and Clone allies have 30% Offense and 20% Critical Chance and half for other allies. Whenever a Jedi or Clone scores a critical hit on a basic they apply expose to the enemy.

Level 1: 2% Offense
Level 2: 4% Offense
Level 3: 5% Critical Chance
Level 4: 4% Offense
Level 5: 2% Offense
Level 6: 5% Critical Chance
Level 7: 8% Offense

I'm open to different ideas so as to balance this character and not make him overpowered
Post edited by Freeborns101 on


  • Options
    I think maybe on shatterpoint;

    any team member removes 100% TM when attacking an exposed enemy. Instead of the 25% TM gain.

    This would make him much more problematic to deal with.
  • Options
    Ignoring Taunt solves part of the problem, but I think it goes about it the wrong way, and does nothing to solve the problem of Shatterpoint exposing a stealthed enemy.

    If shatter point activates, it targets an enemy eligible to be targeted. Mace doesn't ignore taunt. However, Shatterpoint won't target someone who can't be targeted by Mace. Therefore if there's one taunter and Shatterpoint activates, it's not random: it's going on the taunter.

    It should not be impossible to resist. That mechanic is over-used. You could give a +50% potency on Shatterpoint, but don't make it impossible. It also should not activate every time. Activating every time is fine if it sometimes targets ineligible targets (so that Mace can't use it every time), but by ignoring taunt or using my idea of selecting only from eligible targets, it becomes OP if it functions every time.

    However, when mace does smack someone who is exposed, I like the idea of it removing all buffs - and it doesn't matter what caused the expose, so you can pair him with other toons that inflict expose and use those expose debuffs to have more opportunity to dispel and do major damage.
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    Your post is there, wow, mine never appeared
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
  • xxxblade666
    14 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello, as we all know Mace almost killed Palpatine by deflecting force lighting.
    I think they need to add to Vapaad this: Mace is immune to force lightning and deflects % damage form lighting to the attacker (EP or Dooku :wink: ).
    Zeta: deflection damages all enemies. Attacker is shocked.
  • Options
    I honestly feel sorry for Mace fans because he does indeed need a rework. A massive rework. However, you have to get them to stop drinking the rebel Koolaid long enough to do that and that isn't happening anytime soon. It's all lightside all the time now, EXCEPT for Mace. Droids and the hardest character to 7*, General Grevious have needed an update forever now but they get overlooked FOR MORE REBELS!
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