Small things to make this game immensely better

28 posts Member
edited December 2015
Just a few ideas I have as well as some ideas stolen from similar games that I feel would make this game a lot better.

I'd like to start by saying that I'm a huge fan of customization, it makes a game much less stale and it makes me feel more like I'm playing something I have created (in a sense). Let's be honest, this game has absolutely no customization aside from who's shards you decide to grind. Every character you randomly receive from chromium/bronzium will be maxed out gear and skill wise (if you choose to use them).
There is no pick and choose. I think it'd be great if there was some sort of minor talent tree in which you could choose a one of three minor stat boost every 3 levels, and a one of 3 major stat boost every 15 or 30 levels. Picking and choosing between skills would be nice too.

Other than that, detailed tool tips that gave actual combat values would be nice, for example: consulars force blast deals *1220* special damage.

Replays of arena battles, offensive and defensive.


Being able to look up any kind of information on another player so I can know more than just their leader and level.

Can we also please do something about items that require level 46 or 50 that aren't even accessible until level 53 or 54. So **** annoying.

If I use my seemingly endless supply of Sim tickets I can complete 85% of the games current content in 5 minutes. Just having something to do that wouldn't even need to give tons of resources like scavenging another players base and fighting whatever defense team and or structures set up would be fun.

I know I'm forgetting a bunch, was kind of a rushed post. What else would you guys like to see added?
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