216 posts Member
edited March 2018
The Mad HAATers U.K./U.S are looking for 5 more players. Looking for active daily players. Must have relevant toons for HAAT, TB & TW. We are running heroic rancor and HAAT and 6* Sith. Minimum 1.5mil GP, less will be considered. Will also consider a group to join if most meet the above criterias.

We are UK based and also have US players too. Starting time for rancor raids (<20 mins) are 12PM, 8PM, 03:00AM BST/GMT to accommodate most players. HAAT (<3 hrs) is 8PM. We have a 24 hour zero score period to give time to everyone to register a zero score and receive gear regardless of scoring outcome. Scoring starts on raid timer. We also run 'no raid han' raids for those who don't have him yet to fast track shards to get him. Likely to do the same for GK. For TB we 36 stars, and our TW record is 12 wins, 4 loses.

Basic rules of the guild are:
1. Be active & chat (LINE app is a must.)
2. Best endeavours to contribute daily raid tickets of 600 and gear donations.
3. Follow instructions for TB, TW & raids.
4. Grow!
5. Have fun!

What you get:
Han solo shards, GK shards, gear through regular donations & raids, advice/guidance from experienced guild members and a whole bag of fun on the way.

*note: not all players are registered on swgoh.gg

Contact me on LINE ID: bobogump.
Ally me on code: 974898556
Must be 'no guild' status to be invited.
Post edited by Bobo_Gump on


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