T7 Pit Rancor's Resistance

Alright...ill probably get torched but whateves...

I use a team of zader, jyn, bistan, foo, and tfp. They are modded correctly. They are all g10 or higher. My issue is, since the cls event, the pits occupants resistance has to have increased. I used to use a party of zader, jyn, foo, tfp, and rex - can get my 9-10 mil no problem. Why? Because tm reduction worked. Ive switched to this team while the cls event was going on (bistan for rex = more tm reduction) and noticed the rancor was resisting alot more than before - while tfp's tm reduction was up. Its my 'conspiracy theory' that the push for toons like thrawn and cls has made all other toons pretty much mediocre - and they are compared to thrawn and cls. I wasnt able to be fortunate enough to get either and i already had a decent pit team. I now get wiped either by the end of p2 or mid p3 from constant resists. Forget vader and tfps little 20%...that hardly registers anymore. So, thx, EA, for making months of work worthless now that raid toons are available.


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    Actually I rancor solo with ease but recently with my guild having 10 people soloing (we had a 10k pre damage rule) I would start my run at midnight and anyone who posted 10k during the time from my run to zerg would make me place 1st place. It was smart and I was holding my damage from 12 am to 3 pm. Then as my officers notices that they changed the rules to strict 0. Now I auto Wiggs on P1 and get rank 40. Post CLS and now there is even less incentive to solo because even with a solo I place about rank 10 to 25. My chances of placing 1st place is 4%. Please think that 4% over EA/CG. So much resource thrown for nothing. Once I finish Kenobi I'm leaving to a nAAT guild to place 1st on rancor.

    Edit: I'm not asking for the pit rewards to get reworked but I am asking that EA/CG brainstorm a new system that doesn't result in me depending on 4% to get what I need to upgrade my characters. Who knows, maybe the new QoL update soon to come will have something for us.

    This. Not entirely related to your post but much more important issue than Bistan being resisted from rng
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    I've actually seen the opposite. Last raid I used Teebo lead, Rex, TFP, Jyn and Cassian. I've repeatedly scored higher each time. Last one was my highest yet. Got to end of P3 before I was resisted enough to die. These aren't heavy hitters so the longer it takes to clear a phase, the more likely you'll be resisted eventually and die to the RNG.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Still use the same team, auto solo with no issues. Zader, shore, thrawn, jyn, tarkin

    Moved to correct sub forum.
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    Jaxon, that does make sense. I shouldnt complain. But seeing 3 or sometimes even 4 resists in a row, not to mention the blocks and dodges, I'm a bit frustrated. I'll go back to rex and see what the outcome of that is
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