Galaxy Wars difficulty

In no universe is my roster ready to face CLS (1 zeta) lead, Wiggs, R2Z2, zHan (all G11) but, that is what I face in today's node 12 GW.
Considering I have one toon at G11 and one toon Zeta'd I can't imagine what algorithm they use that indicates I'm ready for that monstrosity.
Add your thoughts and tragic GW stories below


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    moved to correct sub forum.

    nodes are a calculation on your GW power some nodes are over 100%. its not about all your toons just your top arena power.(or so the theory goes) and the teams are player made teams that match the power calculations.
  • Options
    Pretty much the moment one of your characters hits GXI, you're in for a bad time. It almost doesn't pay to gear up any of your characters if you're at a place where GW is easy.
  • Rynn
    69 posts Member
    Um yeah the difficulty needs to be dropped substantially. I am not even close enough to try and take on a fully zeta team and yet that is all I have to fight every night. The devs need to drop the **** difficulty down a lot. When I have thrawn, cls, and all the others zeta and maxed put, then put me against those teams. I can rarely finish a board because of this.
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