New ships ?

Hey ! Here are some ship ideas for new ships in fleet battles ! ( comment what you ships you think there should be ! )

1) Anakin's star fighter ( if it also requires r2d2 then fml )

2) Malevolence capital ship with Grevious ( could have that ion cannon from the clone wars series that took power away from all the ships that got struck... it could stun all enemies for 1 turn or remove 100% turn meter from all enemies. Ofc it would have a long cooldown)

3) asajj Ventress Ginivex class starfighter from the animated clone wars series

4) they could padme in the game along with a ship... the j type royal starship

5) they could add general kenobi as a starfighter or capital ahip

6) commander cody should get a ship just for the heck of it (lol)

7) droid starfighter just because there needs to be more separatist ships

What do you think? Did i miss any ?


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