Lost battles with client restarts and/or game crash

51 posts Member
edited September 2017
Hi, our guild (over 100MM in GP last i checked) is having a problem with these client restarts and a couple of crashes. As i'm sure you know, battles counts as a loss if you don't finish. While i certainly understand and applaud a desire to keep people from retreating and retrying or force quitting and retrying, having a loss mandated when a client restart happens when in a battle, app crashes, or god forbid a phone dies, is not cool. This happened to me and a few other guildies yesterday with the game crash and restarts, but has happened again to a few of our members today with the two (so far) client restarts. While we're going to be ok in these earlier phases, however if this keeps up, we can imagine missing a star level in latter phases if just a few of our members get kicked out of a battle or aren't allowed to register score...

Wouldn't a much better solution be that once you've started a battle that you are LOCKED IN with those characters for that battle and phase? this would prevent people from force quitting/retreating and trying another team, which i'm sure is the intent. This way, if there is a client restart or the app crashes, we can get back in and complete with the team we had assembled. As it stands is totally unacceptable...



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