How to Avoid Sniping?

My apologies if discussions have been had about this before.

I was hovering in the top 50 of arena for the past few months, but have recently been able to consistently rank in the top 20, and I don't want to inadvertently snipe anyone in my shard.

What is the best way to avoid sniping? Only battle at the top of the hour and never at the bottom of the hour? Only battle in the hour leading up to one's payout time?

Additionally, what is the best way to reach out to players on one's shard? I don't know of any way to send someone an in-game message unless they are in your own guild. If anyone on my shard would like to touch base, my in-game name is The Chosen One and I think my shard started in November 2016.


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    The arena is more competitive than ever. Use defensive tactics, save your last arena go to hit someone then let the timer burn down. This will stop people hitting you in the last 5 mins. Save all your attacks for the last hour to minimise sniping someone else and finding an enemy with a memory. Also spend a while aggressively staying as high ranked as possible, the higher you are the less people can hit you. Also save 50 crystals for a strategic arena refresh.

    Contact people on forum, look up their alliance using swgoh etc, then look on recruitment pages and PvP for people in their alliance and send them a forum message with your discord account etc.
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    There are a couple options:

    1) Post the names of numerous players on your shard in the "PvP and Rivalry" section of the forums - or look for some. There might be a group chat (usually on a 3rd party app like Line or Discord).

    2) Go on - you can tell what time peoples' payouts are, as their profile updates at their arena payout time. Go to your own profile page, then take out your name and try to add their's in the web address. Many people have their profiles there - especially if they are active.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    What the hell happened? I am suddenly in a new shard. The people around me are running 85 7 star teams and are easily 40k above my power level. I went from 500 to 2400 in a single night. I don't even recognize any of the names of other players. A level 75 team with no mods should not be sitting at 65k power. A GS 8 team should not be matched to a GS11 team.

    Since territories came out something went really bad with the coding.
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