Holy Wars Guild Recruiting H-Pit, Territories, AAT, Trying to complete H-AAT: GP 51,500,000

33 posts Member
edited September 2017
Recruitment in discord or my ally ID
Ally: 212-857-985
Holy Wars Guild Recruiting Discord: zZ4qg5w
post your swgoh.gg in discord for consideration. Or just join and chat with me and officers to see what we are about! The guild members are helpful and always willing to help improve others on the team.
GP: 51,500,000
We are looking for 3 members currently. We need people that are active and communicate and have a good knowledge of raid squads and what you are working towards, and willing to help the team as a whole. We are gearing up to complete H-AAT we have made it to phase 3 and need strong members to make the last push to completion!
Lvl 85 required
Required 600 tickets a day.
Active daily in Gchat and Discord
We run H-Pit evry 2-3 days
AAT every 3 to 4 days.
Holy Wars Leader Pyrothraxus
Feel free to post Ally ID here as well I will add you if you are interested.
Post edited by Pyrothraxus on


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