Arena and GW issues and oh, stun

Hello there,

Please excuse me if this has been answered elsewhere, this are my observations after latest and greatest patch...

Arena. As this is an RPG game, there is no way that a team with more star characters, 4 levels higher characters and 4 vs 0 purples can get a total wipe. No, think about it, before you burn me :) RPG is based on stats, not some pot luck shoots... If I go against similar teams, I can understand that for various character balancing reasons I get wiped out only taking one or two enemies down, 'cause ok, I took the wrong team. But even the wrong team, stronger in all areas should not get wiped.
Don't really know what to think of it really, just that someone should take a look at the calculations made in-game.

Galactic War. Well, a lot has been said about it. My observation is that's it has been thrown off balance way too much... Some teams I face now are way too low level, and some are way too high... it was like so before, but in a narrower range... Some adjustments in this direction maybe.

Lastly, a stunned character should/would/could NOT dodge. And certainly not twice! in a row :)

Comments and/or enlightenement appreciated and happy gaming, dear reader!

Elysee Nxy.


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    This is not really a game. It's a casino simulator with a Star Wars theme. The sooner you accept it, the easier it will be when the RNG goes against you when you make the "smartest" possible move or making the the "dumbest" move imaginable turns out making you a winner. Sometimes you have to take on a hit on 17. This game is more like taking a hit on 10 and busting.

    Why do you think almost every ability in the game has x% chance to work. Why does every battle have a "chance" to reward the player? Why do chromiums have x% chance to give you x reward? Because if you could just buy stuff, then you would have it and have no reason to spend more money. With the recent credit nerf, they are making successful free to play even more stifling.

    They want your money, they don't care if you're happy. You could be the most angry person on the planet about this game, as long as they have your money, they do not care. They want you to be flustered as it increases the likelihood that you will pay them money.
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    After spending a couple $100+, every time I buy a chromium card (4 or 8) I get less and less gratifying rewards. It has become expected that I will NOT get a new character. And the characters who do get shards are completely undesirable. GARBAGE is what the last 6 or 8 chromium packs have delivered and I know I'm not alone here. Its driven me to decide to not spend any more money on them and I'm very disappointed.
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