Greedo thoughts and observations

Random thoughts and observations on Greedo: (based on my current 6* gear 9 lvl 65)

1. Since the update and addition (at least visual) of health steal, Greedo has become a nice contributor for GW. His health steal can top 1k on basic attack which is really useful in keeping health topped off round-to-round. Also, his evasion up if paired with a leader like lumi gets some clutch dodges when facing more challenging teams.
2. His usefulness does not extend beyond GW and DS battles in his current form (i.e. dont bother using him in arena). There are a few reasons for this, but the primary reason being that his special attack (thermal detonator) is completely useless. It is fairly easily resisted by most toons, and does insignificant damage considering IF you stick a toon you still need to wait 2 turns for it to go off, and it also cannot KO. Considering the AI's obsession with special attacks good luck defending with him, you might as well be playing 4 on 5.
3. I think that a significant buff to damage done by Greedo's thermal detonator, with the ability for it to KO would make for a very fun and interesting update of Greedo. He already lacks top speed and doesn't generate turn meter, stun, ability block, etc. so it's not like this would vault him to a top toon.


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    What level do you have his detonator at? I understand it doesn't do significant damage until level 7. Also, keep in mind that it can be a decent enough AoE to get behind taunts like Poe's, even in defense. Doesn't help if they aren't attacking with a tank, though.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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    I have his detonator at lvl 4, so no doubt it is better at lvl 7. Haven't been inclined to drop the purple mats to upgrade it because I rarely use it. Id be interested to anyone who has him maxed out to hear if it's a viable attack.

    The problem I see with it in arena is that it's use is counter intuitive, such that you want it to stick to the opponents weakest toons. It really doesn't help you against the stronger ones because typically you kill them in less than two turns, and if you don't, you likely are going to lose anyways. So if you stick the weaker toons, sure that's nice, but as long as you take care of business early on, you'll probably win anyways without the help from the thermal after two turns.

    The other issue which is especially painful in arena is its inability to KO. I don't know if this is a bug or if it's as intended but the thermal will drop the enemy to 0 but allow the toon to live even if the toon has very little health.
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