Now that we have TB, please reduce galactic wars!

Speaking for myself and virtually everyone in my guild, shard, etc, galactic wars are a huge chore. They are not fun, especially since they happen daily. I only do them because of the rewards, not because they give me ANY enjoyment. Now that we have Territory Battles to occupy us, it would be a nice "quality of life change" to reduce the frequency of galactic wars to make the game more fun. I'm pretty sure if we took a poll of all players, a huge majority would agree.

I realize that GW awards a lot of stuff, those rewards can always be made up in some other area, such as increasing rewards in daily challenges or Cantina/LS/DS nodes. Or just increasing the rewards in the reduced number of galactic wars, such as tripling the awards and reducing GW to 3 times per week.

What do you all think? I'm sure if a great majority of players support this change, the devs would seriously consider it.
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