Credit Heist

It has been 8 days since the last Credit Heist, and with the new characters required to complete TB and other areas of the game, it seems like the devs would help us a little. We need some credits to level these characters....


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    It will happen soon shhh.
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    For like 4 weeks they were every six days which helped a lot.... then it has been 8-10 days apart for the last 2 months or so
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    Can we please stop with these posts. EVERYONE wants a heist. It will come when it comes.
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    Yes and if everyone wants it and needs it then voice it, spending money on crystals to buy refreshes to earn shards and gear so you can level toons is nice, except you're spending real money and can't do anything since your always missing credits.... most frustrating part of spending money on crystals
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    Easy solution - and will save our eyes and mods fingers. Make it weekly. Training droids Monday
    Credit heist on tuesdays. They average about 7 days anyway.
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    rking wrote: »
    For like 4 weeks they were every six days which helped a lot.... then it has been 8-10 days apart for the last 2 months or so

    Heists appear between 6 and 12 days after the last one
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Easy solution - and will save our eyes and mods fingers. Make it weekly. Training droids Monday
    Credit heist on tuesdays. They average about 7 days anyway.

    Spot on with this, why not just make it static, give up some control and just give it to us every week.
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    I understand the frequency, it is just the most frustrating part is waiting on credits to do anything.... level mods, level toons, promote toons, upgrade abilities.... yet everyone is still complaining, you buy a pack and can only level the characters to lvl 40.... I mean come on
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    They said heists happen every 6-12 days.

    Make threads when they happen 1-5 or 13+ days after the last heist, please.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    @NicWester That is like saying only check on a project after the deadline has passed.... Not how that should work. People should voice their concerns more
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    Because P2P will spend more money on credit packs if they don't know when exactly they're going to get more.

    Imagine you've got someone ready to 7* you need a million. It's Sunday night and credit heist is guaranteed every Monday. That P2P will wait on the heist.

    If they think it's possible that it could be another 4 days before they see a heist then they'll buy crystals to buy credits.

    That's why we're never gonna get set dates on credit heists.

    These are the reasons that they saying nothing about event requirements. If I knew 6 months ago the characters I needed for CLS I'd have had them farmed and ready to go. But then EA can't sell booster packs that way.

    I'm not complaining, but this is a business and this is their strategy, they want profits. Without profits there would be no CLS events or TB
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    rking wrote: »
    I understand the frequency, it is just the most frustrating part is waiting on credits to do anything.... level mods, level toons, promote toons, upgrade abilities.... yet everyone is still complaining, you buy a pack and can only level the characters to lvl 40.... I mean come on

    Exactly. At this point, the credit crunch keeps me from buying more crystals or packs. I spend LESS on this game because credits have become an issue lately. Why spend 999 on a mod set if I don't have the credits to upgrade them? They are useless out of the box. And there is no way in heck I am going to buy credits with crystals at those crazy prices. So I spend less.
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    PhoenixRvX wrote: »
    Because P2P will spend more money on credit packs if they don't know when exactly they're going to get more.

    Imagine you've got someone ready to 7* you need a million. It's Sunday night and credit heist is guaranteed every Monday. That P2P will wait on the heist.

    If they think it's possible that it could be another 4 days before they see a heist then they'll buy crystals to buy credits.

    That's why we're never gonna get set dates on credit heists.

    These are the reasons that they saying nothing about event requirements. If I knew 6 months ago the characters I needed for CLS I'd have had them farmed and ready to go. But then EA can't sell booster packs that way.

    I'm not complaining, but this is a business and this is their strategy, they want profits. Without profits there would be no CLS events or TB

    I can def see that side to it, but I also see people just waiting till the next one anyway. I think we all know the big business here is gear not credits.
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    rking wrote: »
    That is like saying only check on a project after the deadline has passed.... Not how that should work. People should voice their concerns more
    "I'm concerned that you're doing the exact thing you said you would do."
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I mean right now credits limit your mods, stars and level of toons, all which play into your GP.... and the Credit pack is pretty worthless for the crystal cost.
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    Eclipso wrote: »
    Easy solution - and will save our eyes and mods fingers. Make it weekly. Training droids Monday
    Credit heist on tuesdays. They average about 7 days anyway.

    Spot on with this, why not just make it static, give up some control and just give it to us every week.

    Totally agree with this. All the challenges are static days. This would totally help people plan around it, at the very least. And we wouldn't have to endure these posts!

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    PhoenixRvX wrote: »
    Because P2P will spend more money on credit packs if they don't know when exactly they're going to get more.

    Imagine you've got someone ready to 7* you need a million. It's Sunday night and credit heist is guaranteed every Monday. That P2P will wait on the heist.

    If they think it's possible that it could be another 4 days before they see a heist then they'll buy crystals to buy credits.

    That's why we're never gonna get set dates on credit heists.

    These are the reasons that they saying nothing about event requirements. If I knew 6 months ago the characters I needed for CLS I'd have had them farmed and ready to go. But then EA can't sell booster packs that way.

    I'm not complaining, but this is a business and this is their strategy, they want profits. Without profits there would be no CLS events or TB

    I can def see that side to it, but I also see people just waiting till the next one anyway. I think we all know the big business here is gear not credits.

    I'm sure this is true. But, the evidence states that credits is enough of a money maker (or crucial component to making money) for them to poke at us with the random crap they have heists on. IMO, it's all part of the predatory (feed on gambling addiction till dry) business model they have for the game. I am all for the business making lots of money, but they definitely go about it in a not so consumer friendly way. They prey on the consumer too much IMO.
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    Well I guess I am one of the few that spends money on the game but not on credits.... as mentioned though it is not any fun to buy a character pack to only get him to lvl 40... and that isn't even a bulk of the credit cost. Ive seen these post before and I know they pop up all the time but after needing 3 characters for TB and spending 70 on shards but not being able to lvl my HRSo HRS or Solo I wanted to express my frustration.
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    Veritasum wrote: »
    PhoenixRvX wrote: »
    Because P2P will spend more money on credit packs if they don't know when exactly they're going to get more.

    Imagine you've got someone ready to 7* you need a million. It's Sunday night and credit heist is guaranteed every Monday. That P2P will wait on the heist.

    If they think it's possible that it could be another 4 days before they see a heist then they'll buy crystals to buy credits.

    That's why we're never gonna get set dates on credit heists.

    These are the reasons that they saying nothing about event requirements. If I knew 6 months ago the characters I needed for CLS I'd have had them farmed and ready to go. But then EA can't sell booster packs that way.

    I'm not complaining, but this is a business and this is their strategy, they want profits. Without profits there would be no CLS events or TB

    I can def see that side to it, but I also see people just waiting till the next one anyway. I think we all know the big business here is gear not credits.

    I'm sure this is true. But, the evidence states that credits is enough of a money maker (or crucial component to making money) for them to poke at us with the random **** they have heists on. IMO, it's all part of the predatory (feed on gambling addiction till dry) business model they have for the game. I am all for the business making lots of money, but they definitely go about it in a not so consumer friendly way. They prey on the consumer too much IMO.

    For sure. This is all mobile games and from what I hear, but this is a better one. I don't really save credits so heists are great when they come. Small sample pool of my guildies and such most do it that way too. Throw a bone- every week heists and will never stop suggesting a gear heist as well lol.
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    Look 6-12 days...weekends don't count. Same for training droids too. That means there could be a 3 week gap between each of the events. It is what it is.

    Would it be nice to make it a known "known" on a certain day, absolutely! If thats your point then say so, otherwise your voice is lost in all the negativity that surrounds endless posts of the same thing.

    Now to reiterate my point is Samuel L. Jackson.
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    And there is no way in heck I am going to buy credits with crystals at those crazy prices. So I spend less.

    Nailed the crux of the issue, right there. EA wants your money, you don't want to give it. Clearly the price point is working for some, though, or EA would have CG change the pack to generate sales.
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    @Loose_Lee That isn't my point. My point is that if you spent money on the packs then it would be nice to have a heist so you can level these guys. The credits are enough to get them to lvl 40. A heist would be helpful. Never said anything negative. All I said is a little help would be great.
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    They have given us a lil help by introducing the credit heist... i am grateful for it... whenever it happens to be.
  • Mystryl_Malys
    4 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    they already have us bottlenecked enough by the GEAR...adding TB & all these extra character req's is just too much...I dunno about a static day , but they def need ta loosen slots a lil , they are keepin us too broke!!! If it comes in the form of less 1.5's & 2.5's & more 5's 7.5's & 10's or it changes to upping the frequency of them happening , or if they just start payin out better on all fronts , somethings gotta give. I 'm very patient & have a lot of time & a few bux invested , but if they don'y fix this & keep adding new req's , I doubt seriously I'll be the only one that walks away... & who the hell buys creds w/ xtals?? Ive never heard of such a thing...TB & all the new events REQ a cred rework of some kind , come out with all the new content U want if I cant get the creds ta pay for it , what good is it??? >:):p>:)
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    Credit heist ? What's that. Lol
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