Kit fisto worth levelling?

I have enough shards for him to be 6*. Does anyone have him maxed or know if he's any good once levelled?


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    JonnyBoyIV wrote: »
    I have enough shards for him to be 6*. Does anyone have him maxed or know if he's any good once levelled?

    :) you don't know what you have eh? Try this QGJ leads alaya and Fit by his side.

    One of my favorite things to happen

    QGJ uses assist
    Calls alaya
    Alaya basic calls fit to assist
    Fit uses his basic and gets another hit

    Thats a one hit k.o before the game starts all on one turn then the other 4 of your team will take their turns.
  • CookieCrispp
    555 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.
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    Kit is a bad **** leveled out in all Jedi team nothing more I love than seeing all five Jedis counter at once lol
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    People knock kit heck i did once but very few know how deadly his setup is.... just silly that he sits on someone's bench lol.
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.

    Who the heck is Alaya?
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.

    Who the heck is Alaya?

    Sorry bud Aayla*
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.

    Who the heck is Alaya?

    Sorry bud Aayla*

    Haha it's fine :print I love Aayla she's one of the most underrated Jedi from Star Wars lore IMO.
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.
    I agree that Kit is fun. I love using the guy, especially with the Aayla dogpile. But I think he just falls too short in the current meta to be anything more than a fun guy. Especially since the AI loves to use his mediocre AOE. Agreed, fun dude, disagree that he belongs anywhere near arena.

    TLDR; he is FUN. Not really viable(cept for stage seven Yoda). But fun. Definitely a fun side project.
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.
    I agree that Kit is fun. I love using the guy, especially with the Aayla dogpile. But I think he just falls too short in the current meta to be anything more than a fun guy. Especially since the AI loves to use his mediocre AOE. Agreed, fun dude, disagree that he belongs anywhere near arena.

    TLDR; he is FUN. Not really viable(cept for stage seven Yoda). But fun. Definitely a fun side project.

    I use him for Arena but i agree the AI using that dang Aoe wastes a turn. They could buff the AOE but i tell ya he is good with the right team.

    Abit Bias as Kit is one of my favorites besides his Padawan who was just annoying lol.
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    I have a 7* gear 8 fisto, and i can tell you that he is fun, but falls short due to his overall mediocrity. His damage, counters, speed, even his buff are all so middle of the road that he never really shines. He's fun. He's the mvp of my Yoda stage seven team. But he has no real place in arena, GW, or even light side.

    Lol love it kit paired with alaya and QGJ is king of arena because of speed changes.

    Who the heck is Alaya?

    Sorry bud Aayla*

    Haha it's fine :print I love Aayla she's one of the most underrated Jedi from Star Wars lore IMO.

    Yeah she is but jebus i love her and kit.
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    My aayla is only 4* so I guess I'll leave kit for a bit. Cheers guys
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I have maxed Fisto and he's a solid toon. Doesn't shine in any particular aspect but has no weaknesses either. Very solid HP, decent Speed and Attack. His AOE isn't bad, neither is it overwhelming.

    Fisto was incredibly helpful on my tank team, providing some DPS without lowering the overall defensive strength of the team.
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    The ai wastes every toon, you'd be sorely disappointed if you think any arena team post poe nerf is viable as a true defence stayer
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