Guild events fairness question

Dear EA

First, I really like playing Galaxy of Heroes. Thank you. This is my favorite character. I spent a long time playing and upgrading Darth Maul. The game reminds me of my favorite Star Wars movie scenes. I also enjoy the many events you make for the game, such as the Jedi test for Yoda shards special event.

Recently Guild Events has been released on Galaxy of Heroes. I played this event for 6 straight days in order to help the guild I was with gain reward points. I even spent money to get Captain Han Solo, which is needed to get Rebel Leia shards.

This morning my guild kicked me out. I don`t know why. I am annoyed that they took the effort that I put into the guild, but didn`t allow me to get any of the rewards of my former guild..

I believe that if they didn`t want me in the guild, that ethically they should have kicked me out 6 days ago before I spent time on the guild event. 6 days effort for nothing doesn`t seem fair at all.

Could you please give players some advice on how to fairly participate in the guild events ?

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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