Why the bias towards Rebels/LS

68 posts Member
edited September 2017
First R2/CLS/Rebel buff right after Empire starts to become playable, followed by LS TB, Still no indication of when Thrawn event is coming back a month after R2 event finishes, and now MORE new LS characters. We're approaching double the number of LS characters as you have DS characters. How about a little balance in the force? Shouldn't the first concern be creating a balanced game so we stop seeing the same 5 or 6 characters in arena? How about making all the factions playable rather than trying to pigeon hole everyone into using the same narrow set of characters?


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    Jonais wrote: »
    First R2/CLS/Rebel buff right after Empire starts to become playable, followed by LS TB, Still no indication of when Thrawn event is coming back a month after R2 event finishes, and now MORE new LS characters. We're approaching double the number of LS characters as you have DS characters. How about a little balance in the force? Shouldn't the first concern be creating a balanced game so we stop seeing the same 5 or 6 characters in arena? How about making all the factions playable rather than trying to pigeon hole everyone into using the same narrow set of characters?

    $$$ is all that matters.
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    Its almost as if EA has a game based around darkside characters releasing in oct/november.
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    Because it's a game based on movies where the light side are the good guys.

    If you don't like light side characters, are you sure you like Star Wars?
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    You know what, if they are going to focus on the heroes instead of the villains, they might as well change the name to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.
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    Hey, at least the new LS toons aren't Rebels. Though I do agree with you. It's a bit odd just how overbalanced things have been since Thrawn.
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    THhe R2 event only came back for TB should been like 3+ more months till we saw him again so unless they have another dark side TB coming out soon prolly have at least a few months for thrawn
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    The most dominant stretch by any faction was Sith and Darth Maul.

    No, Sith and zMaul was an anomaly in a dominating trend of Wiggs, Chaze, R2, GK and now CLS. DN and Thrawn are versatile, useful dark side characters who can fit in many squads but don't represent a meta shift like the short one to zMaul and back to rebels/LS.
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    Because it's a game based on movies where the light side are the good guys.

    If you don't like light side characters, are you sure you like Star Wars?

    This is such a bad argument. Fans can like both heroes and villains. Defending blindly I guess.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You know what, if they are going to focus on the heroes instead of the villains, they might as well change the name to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

    The villains have heroes too. Vader is a hero to the Empire and Sith.
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    Because it's a game based on movies where the light side are the good guys.

    If you don't like light side characters, are you sure you like Star Wars?

    This is such a bad argument. Fans can like both heroes and villains. Defending blindly I guess.

    I agree with this 100%....and technically on the DS/Empire/FO side of things wouldn't vader, palpatine, nihilus, and others not be considered heroes of their factions? So galaxy of heroes does encompass and include both light and dark side. So saying the galaxy of heroes only is the light side is completely wrong.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You know what, if they are going to focus on the heroes instead of the villains, they might as well change the name to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

    Calling one "side" or the other heroes or villains is opinionated. The Jedi were evil (from Anakin's, the Separatists, and many more points of view) and from many other theories around the web. Who's to say the Rebels were really "good" guys? Haven't you seen the Stormtrooper video on YouTube that shows him fighting for something he believes. There would have been far less violence if there was no Rebellion. Sith and Jedi were corrupt and we are very likely to have Epidode 8 prove that to us. Remember when Luke tells Rey: "It's time for the Jedi (dogma, hypocrisy, one-sided view) to end." Everything is leaning more "Gray." Both "sides" support and promote moral agency, self indignation, and societal growth which is all one needs to live purposefully. The rest was just who rules at the time. This whole "force religion" and how to use it is what is bad, not necessarily the Galactic Republic, Empire, or First Order governments. Think about it, Kenobi fought against Separatists simply because they were lead by the Sith. Then when his own Republic that he was defending is suddenly the Empire, he joins the Rebellion and trains Luke to kill the Sith who lead it. And we only have the movies shown to us from the perspectives of the "good guys" so obviously we watch them thinking "hmm, the Empire/Seps/First Order are some BAD dude!" But what if we got entire movies just showing what Count Dooku, Jango, and the Seps were doing and why. Or a movie showing Vader, Palpatine, Tarkin and Thrawn running the Empire and why. Same with the First Order. After watching the Clone Wars and reading "Lords of the Sith" you can clearly see the good intentions with the Sep's and Empire's goals. The Rebels just got in the way. So when I load up Star Wars: Galaxy of Heores I think of Darth Vader and Darth Plaguies (after reading his book) because man, their idealogies depicted by the authors are far more intriguing and thought provoking and dare I say "hero-like" to me now than Luke, Han, Old Ben, R2, and Chaze ever were for me as a child.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You know what, if they are going to focus on the heroes instead of the villains, they might as well change the name to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

    Sure, it might be called that, but in case you hadn't noticed, a huge amount of the fan-favourite characters in Star Wars are villains.

    Plus, when you get to the point where the game has 4 versions of Han Solo, it's maybe time to give the Dark Side its time in the spotlight (for more than a month or two).
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