Need some direction

Hello all,

I'm not exactly new to the game, but I don't feel like I have the best farming direction. I am a free to play player. I know I really like Boba Fett and Nihilus, but not really sure the rest of my arena team. I've been using Phasma as my leader to some success, but willing to change. Here is what I have to work with right now.

I want to focus on five key toons and gearing them. Any help would be great!


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    Scaundrels for credit heist, teams for mod battles.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    As already pointed out:

    Having a scoundrel team to do the high tiers of credit heist really pays out over time. Credits are a valuable ressource.

    Having 5 rebels at 5* will give you acces to unlock emperor Palpatine. It looks like you could go the sith route for arena with what you have.

    Good thing is, Lando and ST Han are both scoundrels and rebels while also viable in the arena.

    I'm amazed that you already have Darth Nihilus at 5* as one of your most developed toons.

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    I know this post was awhile ago, but with what I see in your roster, the Sith is going to be your team. Maul lead, you'll need Palp, Nihilus, Savage, and Sith Trooper. I've seen this team hold top 50 to 100 on my server. What it looks like you're short in is darkside ships. You'll need 5 @ 5* to advance Electrocutrix up to requirement and 8 ships total @ 5* to qualify for the material challenge. I sent you a PM about our guild. I think I can help you if you're interested. Discord: Wookie#7080 Ally Code 322-743-253
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    BTW, the ships are for the material challenge where you can farm your zeta mats.
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