Inspired by the book...

1014 posts Member
edited September 2017
Scyre Warrior Phasma

Dark side, Attacker, Scyre
Fearless attacker who survives at all cost and help the First Order without question

Poisoned Ax basic
Deals Physical damage with 70% to inflict two DoT. Also remove 20% TM if enemy has any debuff.

Scyre tactics special cd:4
All allies gain offense up for 2 turns.
First order allies also gain retribution for 2 turns and all Scyre allies are called to assist.

Blast and Lash out special cd:3
Deals special damage two times then inflict daze and buff immunity for 3 turns.

Survive At All Cost Unique
Every time a Scyre or FO ally falls below 100% health, Scyre Warrior Phasma gains 50% tm and deals double damage until the end of her next turn.
(zeta)If she is defeated she revives with 51% health as well.

Scyre leader leader
Scyre allies gain 40% counter chance and Phasma has 35% chance to taunt until her next turn whenever a FO ally is damaged.


Light side, Healer, Scyre
Scyre healer who grants strong bonuses to allies and prevents enemy revives

Throwing blades basic
Deal physical damage and grant 5% TM for each debuff on them to a random ally (this is doubelled for Scyre allies)

Apply Oracle Salve special cd:5
All ally gain critical immunity and heal over time for 2 turns with 70% chance to gain one more HoT.
Scyre allies also get cleansed.

Newly acquired blasters special cd3
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and remove all buffs on them.
All allies gain 5% health for each buff removed.

Body to Body, Dust to Dust unique
Every time an ally or an enemy is defeated the cooldown on "Apply Oracle Salve" ability is reseted, all allies gain +30% Max Health(stacking) and regain 30% protection.
Defeated Enemies cannot be revived as long as Siv is alive.

Wielder of the Detraxors unique
Whenever an ally gains a buff they regain 5% health per buff.
In addition Enemies with DoT lose an additional 7.5% health whenever they take a turn.
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