Chirrut disappeared from the fleet arena store?

It seems so to me. Anybody seen him the latest two days or so?


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    He's still there, they wouldn't remove someone without telling us first
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    Yes. Seems like you're in a drought. Those ships and heroes with lower-than-average appearance rate can sometimes leave Fleet for over a week due to bad RNG.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    Okay. Thanks guys!
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    Yeah he's a rare one. I used to get him in streaks that would drain all my fleet tokens in a couple of days, then I'd go for a week or two without seeing him. ATF seems to be even more rare.
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    I get Chirrut all the time (although I have already finished him totally f2p).
    I also get ATF quite frequently, I have just upgraded her to 5* (and already have 26/85)
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    Each random store seems to go through phases of making certain toons more common then others, ive recently not seen Tusken Shaman show up for a week and then he just shows up almost everytime now, same with Sabine.
    If the toon you want isnt showing up they will eventually, just keep checking.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Can confirm- Yep, he's still there. That evasion though!
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    Yep just bought him today!
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    Liamtbqh wrote: »
    Each random store seems to go through phases of making certain toons more common then others, ive recently not seen Tusken Shaman show up for a week and then he just shows up almost everytime now, same with Sabine.
    It took me months to get Slave1 to 7* at 1-2 drops a week in Fleet. Then, the week after I got the last shard for 7*, it appeared *8* times. So clearly the solution is to max out the hero in order to get a better drop rate ;)

    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    Thanks for the tip @kalidor - I'll get right to it! :)
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    Hes not the elusive one..its fulcrum thats rare..well at least for me
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    I see Chirrut much more than Fulcrum there. :(
  • LtGenStu
    234 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I haven't seen Fulcrum in the last week... :(

    Chirut doesn't seem to appear very frequently as well. I thought I would have him 7* a long time ago.
  • Joost
    233 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    My Fulcrum and Scimitar dissapeared... just bad luck but they'll be back
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    This is how i feel about Scimitar ship lol, never see it there :( but it is definitely still there.
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    I get him all the time now that he's 7* ...Fulcrum is the one who never shows up for me now.
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    Some of y'all really need to Google "confirmation bias". Writing a dynamic drop rate that scans your entire inventory to see what character/ship/gear you "need" before populating the stores (sometimes several at a time) is much more complicated and time intensive than a flat drop rate for each slot.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • stohelit
    149 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Some of y'all really need to Google "confirmation bias".

    Yes. Only one of several statistical misconceptions see a lot here. (FAQ should have a primer on statistics, not that that would head off people posting because they haven't thought through the statistics.)

    The more characters they put in a shop, the lower the probability of others showing up (unless you increase the number appearing per drawing). They added Fulcrum recently, so Chirrut should show up less often (unless they tweaked the probabilities so something else shows up less).

    "The lottery is a tax on those who do not understand mathematics. -- Bill Nye"
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    RNG eh! Was farming Wedge in both cantina and fleet but since Fulcrum came in I haven't seen Wedge once! Which in the end might have been better cause, unlike you, Chirrut's been there a lot and I switch to farming him.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Joost wrote: »
    My Fulcrum and Scimitar dissapeared... just bad luck but they'll be back

    I needed 2 shards to complete my Scimitar and waited over 4 weeks for it to appear so I could get it at 7* - that was draining.
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    Impressive how we see so many of these kind of posts. "The character I am trying to farm doesn't appear for 2 days. Is it gone?"
    Learn to wait a bit and it will naturally appear.
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