
Hi! We are "Nordic Stars" and we are searching for a guild to merge with. In first place we are searching for a scandinavian guild, and someone who is active. We are not a strong guild but trying to grow. It doesnt matter if you are strong or weak, the importat thing is that you are active. Ofcourse real life comes first, and no one are going to blame you for that. We dont requires that you are online everyday but at least participate what you can.

We are using Group me to communicate.


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    God dag!

    I lead an American guild, very nice group of people. Please message me on the discord if you would be interested in joining us! We have space for you guys! This is my username Leifenator#8462

    Vi ses!
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    Hej, hur många är ni? Vi kommer behöva ett par spelare till till vår guild.. //Angelika
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