I am excited for what TB can be. But....

Seriously disappointed in how it has been fleshed out.

1. 24hr phases - I understand people have lives and the out cry to have 24hr instead 12hr is useful to get a hang of the new addition to the game. BUT where you fall short is the rewards are a little underwhelming to say the least. If you double the length of the TBs, then you should double the rewards. ( all be it with explicit wording that rewards are doubled based on 24hr phases )

2. ROLO mission bugs - In my personal experience was less than adequate. I wanted to participate in the mission on the first TB and the fact I was helping my guil members was more of a reason for me to spend more money. I bought (again my usual retraint) the "gamble" packs. Only then to have a bug prevent me from finishing the mission and lose out on the very shards I had paid extra for to participate in. Honestly, I won't ever make that mistake again.

3. Really millennium falcon in platoons? Seriously you guys know that maybe MAYBE 25 people have it and why in the first TB ? Ok, ok TB are supposed to be difficult but 2 MFs in one phase? And trust me if it didn't cost a ridiculous number of real dollars I would farm the **** ! But that's another story. (Any new ships are impossible to farm we are only spending money on a bad bet) $25 for not enough ship shards and "crew" shards I don't need? with the exception of the TB store. Which I've seen Cassians ship twice. Not nice guys. SOMEBODY in the dev group should have said, maybe this is a bad idea.

mostly everything else about TB IS GREAT. Makes me try new and interesting teams. Has variety, and I look forward to the missions and learning more about how to get better at the strategy of TB. I'm not against spending money on this game I just cant make bad bets. You got me on Capt Han, you won't get me on the millennium falcon.

P. S. Just add the millennium falcon to the shard shop. It's about time anyway.


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