Choosing a Zeta for Arena team

I finally got enough zetas to get another ability upgraded, but I don't know who to put it on. I am thinking of puting it on R2's Number Crunch, Combat Analysis or Han's Shoots first. Current team is Luke lead, R2D2, General Kenobi, Zeta Thrawn, and Han Solo.
Any help would be appreciated.
Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!


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    Read the abilities and figure out which one will help accomplish what you want in the game. But han's shoot first is awesome
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    Read the abilities and figure out which one will help accomplish what you want in the game. But han's shoot first is awesome

    Was gonna say exact same thing...
  • swajda8819
    5 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Put zeta on Han. It makes him great in Arena, Pit, and HAAT.
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  • DRV
    173 posts Member
    Yep. Solo. Number crunch is good, but it's more of a passive zeta. Not super noticeable. You already have a cleanse in GK, so combat analysis would be a bonus. Maybe Luke?
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    Solo 1st, then luke's bind all things, then number crunch. Some to work towards...
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    Tough call. Your three priorities should be R2s number crunch, Solo, and CLS's Binds All Things. The order depends somewhat on your shard though. If it's your first, then look around and try to max your advantage. If there are plenty of CLS zetas but few Solos, then go with Solo - and the other way around. If there are zetas littered all over though, I could make an argument for any of the three I mentioned as your first.

    Another thing to consider is utility outside of arena. Here, R2 will always have the most utility. However, utility alone right now is a little overrated. Look at where you'll get the best scores. Here you'll need both CLS and Solo with those zetas to solo P1 and that's a cool 4.5 million.

    Solo is the best zeta of the three for GW.

    So looking at arena, both raids, and GW together I might suggest you do Solo first, then CLS Binds All Things and then R2's Number Crunch.
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    R2 definitely would have been the easy, no-argument choice before CLS and Han. It's far more complicated now. Helping multiple characters is only the sure way to go if you rank higher and complete more of Raids with R2s bonus than with CLS and Solo. And that's far from a sure thing nowadays.
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