Best All-Sith Squad for Arena?

I'm a mid-level player that has focused mostly on developing my Sith (I don't have a lot of the legendary characters like CLS, R2D2, Thrawn, etc). What would you say is the top Sith team for competing in Arena? I've been playing around with the following two teams:
(1) zaul (L), Nihilus, Vader, Sith Trooper, Palpatine
(2) Nihilus (L), Vader, Sith Trooper, Palpatine, Dooku


  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Personally, I don't find any Sith team competitive in arena, or dark side teams at all for that matter...

    I would think that Nihilis lead may work against the Kenobi Barris teams, though the Luke teams would probably crus you. Not sure on Maul teams though.
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    I don't have a prayer of being at the top currently. Those G12 CLS teams make easy work of me. I'm just trying to break #50.
  • M_L
    469 posts Member
    zavage is great under zaul. especially against crit heavy teams that'll basically dispel him from debuffs.

    main thing i think you're missing is SA, i've never seen any zaul team i hesitated against without her. she'll speed up your team immensely if all characters are modded correctly in order.
  • mathdoc
    3 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Luniz wrote: »
    I wouldn't use dooku with nihilus lead nor would I invest heavily in any Sith atm.

    Really? I've found Dooku under Nihilus to be very strong because of all the healing he gets with counter attacks. I've had situations where my whole squad, except for Dooku, gets killed and then Dooku single handedly beats the opposing team.

    But I don't use Dooku under zaul because he's just too squishy.
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    M_L wrote: »
    zavage is great under zaul. especially against crit heavy teams that'll basically dispel him from debuffs.

    main thing i think you're missing is SA, i've never seen any zaul team i hesitated against without her. she'll speed up your team immensely if all characters are modded correctly in order.

    So, you would do zaul, Nihilus, zavage, sith assassin, and who?
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    Emperor Palpatine.
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    Zaul(L), Zihilus(WIF), Zavage, SA, and ...

    Palpatine or Sith Trooper. Palps give you some stun. ST lets your SA come out from hiding more and protects Zihilus so he can Annihilate. You also want to invest into Speed mods. Spend 100 crystals a day if you are farming stuff out of Catina. If you can spare your Catina energy do a month of farming Speed Mods.

    Speed is king in the Arena and I like fighting 5v4. Already killing someone before the opposing team gets to even go is a great advantage.
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    Nihilus lead is counter-meta right now, and works great against Chaze, GK, Zarris, etc...Nihilus, SiT, SiA, Zavage +1 can be decent...
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    Sith trooper, Sith assassin and Darth Nihilus are the back-bone of every Sith team. Zavage is almost a must have and Maul can be very useful whether hes lead or not. If you run Nihilus lead, you have to have Dooku.
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    SharkMilkk wrote: »
    Sith trooper, Sith assassin and Darth Nihilus are the back-bone of every Sith team. Zavage is almost a must have and Maul can be very useful whether hes lead or not. If you run Nihilus lead, you have to have Dooku.

    This is the truth, i have all the sith with zeta on savage and he cant get in the team, Dn lead, Troop, Sass, Dooku and EP is the best team but (shard dependant) youll sit around 30th with all the lukes around now, i've adapted it to DN lead ST and Zolo Z2d2 and imminently zeia which is performing far better with some very good speed mods

    same name on swgoh for reference
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    The Sith teams that tend to give me trouble always include a Maul lead with Nihilius and Savage. If Maul can keep Nihilius stealthed long enough that he can us his death-punch, I'm in trouble. Luckily, it rarely gets to that point :lol:
  • Zolaz
    392 posts Member
    Moroveus wrote: »
    The Sith teams that tend to give me trouble always include a Maul lead with Nihilius and Savage. If Maul can keep Nihilius stealthed long enough that he can us his death-punch, I'm in trouble. Luckily, it rarely gets to that point :lol:

    It is almost like CLS is a broken toon. especially when you put Rebels like R2 and zOGHan behind him.
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    The strongest sith teams I fight have zsavage in them for sure. As others have said, if zNihilus is your lead, Dooku is great with all the healing on counters
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    If you aren't 100% Sith devoted, you could try a different variation of the classic "hide the Nihilus" theme. Here is one that I have seen work well:

    zSavage(L), zDN, Sith Trooper, GK and zBarriss.

    The defense from Savage makes Sith Trooper a wall of unkillable power. Barriss, GK and Savage keep DN debuff free so he can go to town. The key is to keep your DN as fast as possible to keep the buffs on Sith Trooper.
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    Zaul against the counter teams, nihilus vs zarris and anything eles but luke lead with countering
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Vader, SA, Sith trooper, DN, zSidious. Not top arena but enough to win for top 200. I still believe in Vader's power :smile:
  • aerendhil
    503 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    The only decent All-sith team imho :

    Nihilus (L)
    Sith Trooper
    Sith Assasin
    Savage Opress (his zeta skill is the 1st you should get in a sith team)
    Sith are no way meta anymore. Although DN lead will counter Zariss & GK, so the idea has some merit.
    Post edited by aerendhil on
    I choose the Red Pill.
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    i stopped read at vader. so useless even when leader.

    anyway, for your question. few things:
    1) Zaul is dead. he cant be good leader anymore. The 20% TM at start is all he gives. not good enough.
    2) SithTrooper and DN are must.
    3) palp is anti rebel, and will be the one to crush the rebellion when get 2 zetas.
    4) you need daze, shocks to fight CLS L teams, you need to NOT hit crits when fighting GK zarris.
    5) id suggest have 7 great mod sets and just swap toons sometimes when needed. expensive, but getting #1 with siths isnt easy at all. the big problem with this will be CD mods. you'll want them on Palp L, dont want them on DN L. DN lead is much cheaper, since you can just stack Hp, Protection and offense. (maul for example, wont need potency since his protection converted to Hp, and he dont need 66 CD anymore, so you can easily put some BIG offense and BIG hp/protection instead of spread everything thin)
    6) because you need daze - Maul and dooku. because you need shock/stuns/ability blocks - Palp and dooku.

    so... if its Palp Leading : Zavage/Zooku, DN, SithTrooper, Maul/SA.
    if its DN leading : SithTrooper, Maul, Zooku, SA/Savage.

    Vader and sidious won't do good.
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