Nihilus DOT not healing him under Palp Lead

Palp’s lead reads as “whenever a Sith ally inflicts a debuff during their turn they recover 20% of their max health.”

Darth Nihilus’ Wound in the Force unique reads as “at the start of each of his turns, Nihilus inflicts damage over time...”

It makes sense for his health down not to recover health since it is during an Enemy turn, but his DOT happens on his turn AND he is inflicting it.

Nihilus should recover 20% health at the start of his turn under an Emperor Palpatine Lead if he inflicts a Damage over Time.


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    This once was in the Bugs bin under the bugs under investigation, but now it is not anymore, without any word on if they found a solution and if so what it was, or if they just wiped it from their table.

    I think the reason why he does not gain health from inflicting a Dot, is because it is a unique ability, so he is inflicting it "passively", while attacking and inflicting a debuff would be "actively" inflicting it. Palpatine's leadership only covers "actively" inflicted debuffs, that is why Nihilus is left out from it.
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    I understand what you’re trying to reason, but there is no such thing as “passively” and “actively” inflicting a debuff. There is no distinction and Palp lead does not specify having to deal damage for ignorance to work.
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    I know it is not specified anywhere in the game, I just brought up what I think is the reason behind it. Nonetheless I would also welcome a change that would let Nihilus regenerate health under a Palpatine lead, because I run a sith team and like Palpatine's leadership a lot, but because Nihilus' self-preservation abilities are pretty limited under EP, his own lead is the better way to go for me. But if Nihilus would benefit from EP's lead health regeneration, this would increase his survivability a lot.
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