Next level of Toons - Make your own Jedi/Sith or Gray

I have an idea since there is almost 130 toons. Make your own Jedi, Sith or Grey. At the beginning of this game you pick between two Jedi. They were not the most powerful toons

What if you can make your own toon.. you can pick between a couple of toons. And then once you pick JEDI - you can can build that Jedi through a tree of Attack or abilities. They could even pick from single bladed or double bladed light sabers - this would change the options of abilities/attacks.

This would be a way to open up the game outside of just legendary toons. The player could make their own Jedi, Sith or Grey.

If this is well recieved, they could create build able toons for all classifications.. build your own Jawa, Sandpeople, Empire, Droid, Separatist, Rebel, etc. This could be a great way to round out your squads.

Example of choices.
Jedi, Sith, Grey - Sith
Male/Female - male Attacker/Support/Healer/Tank/Defender -Defender
Single/Double/ Dual bladed light saber - Dual
Basic attack - Exploit weakness
Fighting Form Attack - Vaapad
Special Ability - Force Choke and Throw
Poweful attack - Saber Throw
Passive Ability - Riposte

Now you could take attacks and abilities from different toons and make your own - a Sith could use some Jedi skills, the player couls personalized their own Sith, Jedi or Grey.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited September 2017
    Moved to correct sub forum.

    This would be really hard to keep game balance as people develop thier characters from scratch every time a game is started.

    The other side if that is it would end up being a mini game, because that character would never be as good as the toons that come out later in the game so it would quickly be benched
  • Options
    Still would be fun, i dont really use either of the two starter Jedi, they are Benched.

    Maybe they could do a toon Revan...
    Wato would be good as well. Work with droids,
  • Options
    Perfect for droids.
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