Why is 5* Yoda so difficult?

I've been under the impression that the 7* Yoda challenge was difficult...and rightfully so.
However, I've found it impossible to move past 5* Yoda. I'm consistently losing at his 1/3 to 1/2 health. He blocks nearly all of my attacks, attacks many times in a row (yes I know he is fast) and my team just doesn't seem to cut it. I know other people have made it past this level with a team like mine so am I just missing something?

My team:
Lumi 6* vii gear, lvl 6 abilities
Mace 5* vi gear, lvl 4 abilities
Koth 5* vii gear, lvl 4 abilities
QGJ 5* vi gear, lvl 5 abilities
JC 5* v gear, lvl 3 abilities

Your help is appreciated. I worked hard to get this team before the deadline and I'm gonna to be very upset if it was pointless to do so.


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    Level JC abilities ASAP make sure your Jedi are max level and put QGJ as leader. He will make your team much faster.
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    Well he hits for only 4k at crit so i guess ur char lvls are too low or u waste specials on his foresight( eye above his head grants 100% evasion for 1 attack). I did 5* with lumi, jc, eeth, jkg and plo so plo and jkg being the worst jedi around i guess ur strategy is wrong or lvls too low ps. Dont use buffs or he steals them with lumi basic givin evasion theres little to do but otherwise dont give him extra buffs
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    Ahh I see. Well lumi and koth are at 60/62 and the others are all at 50. I didn't think that would be a problem but I suppose so. That may help some bit but now I just have to get the droids and money to level them.

    And as for JCs abilities, I concur. I also am aware of his foresight so I only use basic abilities when that happens. At least I have something right lol
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    Nortikka is right.. battle slow.. watch for foresight.. if he has it just use your basic attack. Also mix up your lineup. (Not lead..QGJ should remain lead) and keep trying. At times it may seem you cannot win, but then he wont focus down your almost dead toon, youll get that heal in time and boom you got him. Consular is easy at that lev to gear up so a little energy on that and you should be fine.
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    Thanks for all of your suggestions! I did just what you said. I spent everything I had to get QGJ to 60 and lots of energy to gear up JC. I got lucky with one of my formations and pulled a win out.
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    Congrats Reikio! Glad it worked out for you. The 6* will seem more difficult but the same patient approach will be needed. Keep grinding.
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    And levek 7 will test your sanity but it's worth it in the end :)
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