g8-g9 Raid gear drop issue

26 posts Member
edited October 2017
Hello everyone. It's been nice to see the changes to the shard and ship battle shipments recently, because that system was getting stale in terms of gear and character farming. Overall, I'm happy with it. The addition of the guild territory battles, and their subsequent shipments also added to this bonus, making it a lot easier to get g10 and other items that have been hard to farm previously.

However, I myself am still noticing that the G8-g9 wall hasn't changed at all. Yes, we can get shipments of 8 at a time from the territory battle shipments, but they seem few and far between. This maybe wouldn't be an issue, if I personally didn't have so many characters that need the same pieces. The mk 5 fusion furnaces are the worst, I think I need 500 of them if I wanted to upgrade everyone.

Now, I know EA doesn't want us to power everyone to g10-g11 without trying. I truly understand this should be a grind if you wanna go F2P. But, it seems unnecessarily restrictive at g8-g9, when all the other items are available without needing to be clearing T7 pit raids 1-2x a week. Bigger, active guilds maybe don't have this issue. But, I run a smaller guild for mostly casual and newer players. We run T6 raids as often as currency allows... and it's tough to get your characters geared this way.

I apologize for the wall of text, I guess the TL:DR version is:

Now that we've progressed to g11-g12 being the normal, the hard to come by g8-g9 raid gear needs to be more readily available. Add them to a few hard modes, add a couple to the last tier of challenges, or possibly tweak the raid drops to give us a better chance at the unfarmable drops. I've also heard suggestions of some type of gear rewarding event every month, that I think would be awesome.

Anyways. Thanks for reading

Edit: changed the title to more accurately describe issue.
Post edited by Eric_Gallium on
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