
Is there any way to relay a message to the developers on how ridiculously difficult it is to complete a GW? I quite literally haven't been able to complete one in 8 months. I don't know if it's just me or not, but it is completely unrealistic to achieve on a day to day basis. Someone please help


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    Resistance gets me through every day. G11 with two zetas and they wipe the floor with every full G12 and 7+ zeta squad.
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Resistance gets me through every day. G11 with two zetas and they wipe the floor with every full G12 and 7+ zeta squad.

    Yeah, people don't realize they are overpowered and destroy even game genie CLS. There is no team they can't destroy. They just aren't popular. Finn is the only one I don't have and Zeta Finn is Key to it.
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    GW is unbalanced and needs to be revamped. Only a few specific teams can guarantee victory at node 12.
    The teams that can beat the maxed teams at node 9,11,12 are
    - resistance with ZFinn lead
    - Rex L, Thrawn, GK, DN, R2
    - GK, zBarris, Thrawn, DN, R2
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    My cls L gk dn Chaze still gets the job done on the hard nodes
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    My CLS(L), GK, Leia, R2 and Raid Han gets me through 90% of GW. I hear troopers and Phoenix can do it. Just takes a good setup and somw planning.
    Post edited by ExarTheKun on
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    Tarugo91 wrote: »
    GW is unbalanced and needs to be revamped. Only a few specific teams can guarantee victory at node 12.
    The teams that can beat the maxed teams at node 9,11,12 are
    - resistance with ZFinn lead
    - Rex L, Thrawn, GK, DN, R2
    - GK, zBarris, Thrawn, DN, R2

    There are more squads than what you've listed that can beat all nodes of GW.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • TK31860
    1 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Not just you, I'm being teamed against squads with player level between 11 and 18 times higher than me. And this is just on the 6th round! Can't progress my own squads cos can't get enough resources to do it in a reasonable time.
    Fancy Kittens Galactic War
    Post edited by Kyno on
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    They still refuse - REFUSE - to take zetas into account in matchmaking, and gear 12 doesn't seem to count nearly as much as it should.

    I can usually beat the zMaul squads once per GW, but I have to sacrifice 5 toons to do it, and that includes R2 and/or Plo Koon to do it. If juggling the squad roster I can't get the RNG to come up for me without using both r2 and Plo, or if the opponent has Zylo in to soak up the first wave of damage while Maul stays stealthed (which forces me to use both Plo and r2), then any 2nd zMaul team is almost a guaranteed end to my GW for that day.

    Moreover, it can take 30 minutes to beat that one single node - which is completely unreasonable.

    But worse than that is some team that I think is the same exact team selected over and over (not multiple copies of the same toons) with zCLS (L), Z2D2, GK, ZRaid Han, & STHan. I don't have Nihilus, so I can't get through the first round without someone scoring a crit. CLS, R2 & GK are all g12, so CLS counters 100% of the time and hits like a truck if I even try to take him out first while GK and r2 have massive health pools. Raid Han is only g11, but he dishes incredibly massive damage and a stun before the first round starts - the stun might be recoverable, but whatever toon gets hit is always left with yellow or red health, even if they had protection beforehand, which most don't because it's node 12.

    I'm working on getting a zFinn resistance team, but I don't have it yet, and it will be a long time before they're geared up. In the meantime, this squad so overmatches me it's ridiculous - yet there it is as my node 12 every few days.

    EA/CG: your difficulty is off. I said it many months ago, long before you introduced the new Galactic Power squad scoring, and I'll say it again:

    If your algorithm can't take zetas into account in order to give fights of reasonable difficulty - fights you can possibly win, and fights that never take more than 15 minutes to win on a single node - then you need to ban zetas from all opponents until you figure out how to take them into account.

    The current system is just absurd. For some people it's boringly easy, for many others it's completely impossible, and for some GW is possible on some days, completely impossible on others solely based on the luck of the g11/g12 teams selected by the matching algorithm.

    Me personally, I think increasing difficulty to a point is good. I like that part of the game scales with your accomplishments, but GW isn't the only part of the game that does that. In Squad Arena and Fleet Arena you have challenges grow with your Toon and Ship development, but there's a limit: there can't be a harder challenge than the teams in your top 10 - once you get there, rate of change of difficulty slows massively.

    Daily challenges scale in difficulty ... but eventually stop. Assault Battles provide good challenges for people with massively-developed rosters.

    There simply is no reason for GW difficulty to scale as much as it does, and there is no excuse for pitting players against teams completely impossible to defeat.

    You could change this right now, quite easily, by banning some toons and limiting others. Although I can get through Chaze without too much difficulty now, there was a long time in my power-development when any team with Chaze brought me to a dead halt. Likewise with Nihilus-led Sith teams, and especially Nihilus-led teams which included Sith Trooper.

    1. Ban CLS, fGK, Chaze, Nihilus and Sith Trooper for all players below level 80.
    2. Ban teams with more than 3 clones for all players below level 75.
    3. Never allow more than 1 zeta on a single opposing squad. (You could face up to 12 zetas over the course of an entire GW, though).
    4. Limit certain toons to one appearance, or to one appearance with a zeta. Maul is a good example. Maul can appear any number of times and it's not automatically a game balance problem, but there is still a huge difference between someone who has just reached level 85 and someone who has been level 85 for 6 months of frequent play. Just because a player is generally ready to face a Maul doesn't mean a player is ready to face a Maul-led Sith team. The r2 event doesn't come around that often. I'm sure if you looked at the rosters of players level 75-84 that many of them would have neither r2 nor Plo Koon. Most players in that range will have at most one, hardly ever both. So as players start to reach the level where zetas might appear on an opposing squad, a zeta-Maul squad is potentially an impossible node, and it will certainly require special efforts and significant toon sacrifices. Requiring a player do that more than once in a single GW is unreasonable. So Maul isn't banned, but zeta-Maul is limited to one appearance per GW. Other toons or zeta versions of toons could be similarly limited, with a bit of careful thought.

    Note under this system that there is no point at which more than 1 zeta on an opposing squad becomes acceptable. This is by design to keep a lid on the top of GW difficulty so that at some point difficulty increases drastically slow in a manner similar to Arena where as you advance, eventually the max power of your opponents is similar to your own squad's power, not your best toons regardless of synergy + 20-25%.

    It will vastly improve the game experience of many players under 80 if you would take the step of thoughtfully banning or limiting certain synergies that are known to cause difficulty at certain player levels until players get to a point where those synergies no longer have the capacity to create impossible nodes, even if they may still create very difficult nodes that require toon sacrifice to defeat.

    Please, figure out a way to take zetas reasonably into account during matching, or ban them if you can't be bothered to develop such a system. Please provide newer players a matching system that has a much smaller likelihood of generating impossible nodes. And please consider limiting certain toons' number of appearances and they likely represent a hugely significant challenge that eats up resources and frequently cannot be defeated a second time in the same GW.

    This isn't rocket science. It would hugely improve the game experience. I really don't know why you haven't done it already.
  • Tarugo91
    294 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Tarugo91 wrote: »
    GW is unbalanced and needs to be revamped. Only a few specific teams can guarantee victory at node 12.
    The teams that can beat the maxed teams at node 9,11,12 are
    - resistance with ZFinn lead
    - Rex L, Thrawn, GK, DN, R2
    - GK, zBarris, Thrawn, DN, R2

    There are more squads than what you've listed that can beat all nodes of GW.

    I was refering to non-CLS teams. CLS(L) vs CLS(L) the winner will depend on mods and the other toons used.
    What are the other non CLS squads that can defeat the max teams at GW which is mostly CLS(L) teams?
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Resistance gets me through every day. G11 with two zetas and they wipe the floor with every full G12 and 7+ zeta squad.

    who is a good full resistance squad? Literally all I have is Rey right now

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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Resistance gets me through every day. G11 with two zetas and they wipe the floor with every full G12 and 7+ zeta squad.

    who is a good full resistance squad? Literally all I have is Rey right now

    Zfinn, Poe, Resistance trooper and 2 more resistance toons (I use R2 and BB8)
    My collection https://swgoh.gg/u/Hskull55/
    Sorry for my English :]
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Resistance gets me through every day. G11 with two zetas and they wipe the floor with every full G12 and 7+ zeta squad.
    What is the best full resistance squad?

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    I complete it “almost” daily on auto with zeers, dt, shoretrooper, snow and magma. On the days that I can’t I have to pull out cls, r2, leia, ben and fulcrum. Finish it everyday.

    That said, until I had troopers maxed I went a month or two without finishing. Just takes alittle focus to set u of up specifically for gw.
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    Thanks for all the input guys. I still wish they'd make it easier instead of having to work harder though
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Resistance gets me through every day. G11 with two zetas and they wipe the floor with every full G12 and 7+ zeta squad.

    who is a good full resistance squad? Literally all I have is Rey right now

    zFinn, R2, Rey, Poe and RT. You can substitute R2 for RP or BB8 if needed.
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