Separatist-Only Team

I'm looking for some help making a Separatist-Only Team. I want to make a team for Dark Side battles, and I figured I'd go with the "Dark Side" team that I agree with the most ideal-wise: The Separatists. Granted, they were used and manipulated by Senator Palpatine and by Count Dooku, but the goals of the actual people were not that bad: Form a new government separated from the Republic free of corruption. Foolish, but at least it's more noble than the Empire or First Order (Crush everything into submission.) They still had their flaws, but still. Of the "evil" factions I like them the most, so I wanted to do a Separatist-only team.

The problem I'm running into is that making a team with a genuine "purpose" all together is proving to be quite difficult. Sun Fac seems like the obvious "Go To" Tank since he has self-healing and Taunt, though I'm not sure if he's "needed" because Count Dooku is an Evasive leader, and units like B2 Super Battle Droid and IG-100 MagnaGuard are average damage units with very good durability. With no reliable healer (aside from Count Dooku's Protection self-healing and Sun Fac's Health self-healing) it doesn't seem like "the long game" is how to play the Separatists, and it seems like doing as much damage as possible seems like the way to go.

With all that said, has anyone done a Separatist-only team and have any pointers? I'm leaning towards Count Dooku (Leader), IG-100 MagnaGuard, B2 Super Battle Droid, General Grievous, and Sun Fac at the moment. Basically a super-durable team but not the best damage output ever.


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    You could go Poggle lead geos and fill the fifth spot with a droid. They have decent damage output and Sun Fac can eat up all of the damage
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    Might also take spy out for GG. Poggles abilties should make GG hit pretty hard.
  • Wil
    140 posts Member
    Count Dooku is among the more viable options, but for synergy purposes I like Poggle's lead, which benefits GG, Sun Fac, IG-100, and B2. Mostly I just love your reasoning for your team. Having a meta team is fun and all, but Star Wars in general is why I'm here. Good luck!
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    Thanks for the suggestions and feedback. I underestimated Poggle the Lesser because I thought with Count Dooku's Leader skill and IG-100 MagnaGuard's Unique it seemed like Poggle the Lesser would be... eh. Repetitive Offense Up buff, you know? I'll give him another look, though. With the 30% Damage bonus on the droids and the high damage output of General Grievous stacked with Offense Up it might actually be a fairly scary option once the damage increase across the board is taken into account.

    Have to go to sleep now since I work third shift (Curse you, sleep!), but once again thank you for the feedback. =D
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    Ventress is a good damage dealer and her mass dispelling is very nice. Plus she has 50% health steal. Works well with dooku
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    Separatists aren't very good... I hope they get a rework soon
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Geo Spy’s silent strike ability might be really good against toons such as the Chaze combo or any others that stack up a bunch of buffs.
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    If I were you I would wait til a droid or separatist rework. Right now it's honestly a waste of time if you're looking to do good in arena. Or you could make a droid team if you have BB-8. You'll easily get top 50 with it
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    STRIKEBOMB wrote: »
    If I were you I would wait til a droid or separatist rework. Right now it's honestly a waste of time if you're looking to do good in arena. Or you could make a droid team if you have BB-8. You'll easily get top 50 with it

    On the other side of that coin, of you go ahead and build the team, you'll be ready when the rework comes. It's going to happen eventually, and if that's the team you like, build them now and you'll be ahead of everyone else later. I personally really respect your reasoning for choosing them; it's always refreshing to see someone else who doesn't fixate on the meta.
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    RandyMarsh wrote: »
    STRIKEBOMB wrote: »
    If I were you I would wait til a droid or separatist rework. Right now it's honestly a waste of time if you're looking to do good in arena. Or you could make a droid team if you have BB-8. You'll easily get top 50 with it

    On the other side of that coin, of you go ahead and build the team, you'll be ready when the rework comes. It's going to happen eventually, and if that's the team you like, build them now and you'll be ahead of everyone else later. I personally really respect your reasoning for choosing them; it's always refreshing to see someone else who doesn't fixate on the meta.

    Yup. I have, and always will use Droids as my only arena team :) There's no other person like that in my top 100 though....its ALL CLS lead
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    Back and at work... Working hard. WINK.

    Good point on the Geonosian Spy countering Chaze. I'm mostly looking at the team for Dark Side battles specifically, but if it was also viable for PvP it wouldn't hurt - It would mean I could use the team reliably for Galactic War at the very least.

    The thing I wonder though is if I'm using Geonosian Spy, should I use Nute Gunray Leader so that Spy pretty much has 100% Crit Rate while stealthed and remove characters like B2 so the enemy CAN stack buffs? It would switch the focus from Poggle and Droids to Nute and Geonosians, so... Hmm.
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    As far as PvE goes, NPCs don't stack many buffs. I think Spy would be hard to capitalize on.
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    As far as PvE goes, NPCs don't stack many buffs. I think Spy would be hard to capitalize on.

    So probably stick with Poggle the Lesser Leader with Sun Fac and Droids?
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    I would. Poggle has nice buffs and a decent leader ability. Geo Soldier hits pretty hard. IG and Grievous have AOEs. Not a bad way to go.
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    Poggle lead, GG,b2,geo soldier and sun fac.
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    As far as PvE goes, NPCs don't stack many buffs. I think Spy would be hard to capitalize on.

    So probably stick with Poggle the Lesser Leader with Sun Fac and Droids?

    Ig88, GS, SF, GSpy, Poggle.

    You only need 1 buff for GSpy to consume all status effects
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    I like the Poggle the Lesser, Sun Fac, Geonosian Soldier, B2 Super Battle Droid, and General Grievous setup. Sounds like a winner to me! Thanks all!
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    It's not quite all seperatists but I've been running ig88, Poggle, Gsoldier, Sun Fac and Spy. It's doing me proud in arena. ( I'm in a a very old shard and I'm floating 150th.) It eats jedi and alot of buffy teams.
    The whole team lynches around ig88's leader ship, which enables Spy to get a silly amount of turns. So his super stick jab pops up more often. The entire team are wound counters to hide Spy. Ig88's opening salvo of ability block helps, along with Gsoldier's assist call crit shot. But it soon just becomes Spy and Fac.
    Anyone who gets buffed is in big trouble.
    Plus the Geonisians have 3 wonderful ships. So the gearing and leveling isn't a waist.
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    @RogueOfTime how's your Seperatists going ?
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    With the new b1 and droideka I have been using GG as the leader with magna guard and b1 b2 and droideka but I need a healer any suggestions?
  • Broxxor
    595 posts Member
    B1 is your healer in that comp.
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    Broxxor wrote: »
    B1 is your healer in that comp.

    Thanks m8
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    IG1066 wrote: »
    @RogueOfTime how's your Seperatists going ?

    I know this post is Necro'd at this point but I'm using zDooku lead, zMagnaGuard, zB2, zB1, and zDroideka. I'm overall happy with it but it's definitely not "Broken".I tried General Grievous but wasn't a fan - Dooku gives Evasion which gives survivability to Droideka and B1 which has been immensely helpful. Definitely liking the team overall but I feel like MagnaGuard is the weakest link at the moment. I may try to tweak it more later. :)

  • Juzz
    366 posts Member
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    You could go Poggle lead geos and fill the fifth spot with a droid. They have decent damage output and Sun Fac can eat up all of the damage

    Although not full separatist, new Finn will give you more than Poggle at leading the squad. Same off % plus more.
    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain
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