Time to get rid of the 1 Attempt only in TBs

Limiting people to one attempt at a battle in TBs needs to go away. Let me give you some reasons.

1. It doesn’t give someone a way to try different approaches to win the battle therefore leading to frustration with the game.
2. You’re requiring toons that have not been used by most people and an gerneral unfamiliarity leads to mistakes made in battle.
3. Bugs continue to persist with this game mode and you are forever handing out crystals to keep customers which eats into your profits. Seems like making sure people can attempt the battles more than once if something happens would rectify a lot of issues.
4. It would add an element of replay-ability. People trying to complete a mission multiple times would be more fun that just going in and losing.

Before you guys start trolling this post, you should know I can complete the missions easily. All of them. Didn’t lose a fight at all last time and haven’t lost one this time. I’m speaking for the majority of players who cannot do this and are frustrated with TBs. TBs need improved as they’re overly boring and they don’t provide a challenge for many players because there is no way to figure out a solution to a problem. It’s just who has the highest geared and best mods on their toons. GW is about finding the right combination of toons and kill order at the hardest levels. This is just button mashing. Time to fix it.



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    Daveofett Quantum's Web

    Www. Conventionsetc.info

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    Ive lost 4 this week because the game crashed. 2 just in the last 15 minutes
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    I'm ok with just one attempt but there needs to be a way to get back into a battle unless all your players are dead.
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    Allow reentry but not with toons that have been used in previous attempts. A compromise? e.g. You try with clone squad and fail at round 5. You can reenter with new squad at round 1, clones count as being deployed so cannot be used. No further points awarded for completing rounds until you pass previous completion mark. You still get deployment points, but no extra battle points unless you beat extra waves.
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    Im not saying everyone dies and you get to try again. I’m saying you can retreat and unless the “Defeat” or “Victory” screen comes up like in a raid, the battle is still available. And there should be a retreat option just like GW. Making it one attempt only was a mistake.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    Looks like they are merging these threads so I hope this issue is getting escalated. I'm not playing any more battles until I hear something.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Crashes/bugs are the only reason imo.

    Every combat mission is the same at varying difficulties. This is what, our 4th TB now? I think people should be familiar with which of their toons work and which ones they nedd to work on.

    Actually replayability is a valid reason for those who wish. I wouldn't but have no issue if people wanted to.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    moved thread to appropriate category
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    This isn’t specifically about the bug going on right now. It shouldn’t be moved to the bugs section.
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    Thanks for burying my thread where no one reads anything.
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