Sabine zeta in non-Phoenix team

18 posts Member
edited October 2017
This probably won't work, but I'm just curious if anyone has tried this or has a thought on it.

My arena team is:
CLS (lead)

My question is, would this team be better with Sabine zeta'd in place of Leia? She will still get exposes/stagger and high damage, in part thanks to Ezra, but it's limited because the other three members are not Phoenix. Would that be enough to overtake Leia?


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    I'd probably think more about swapping Raid Han in for Leia on that team.
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    I think she would only get 2 exposes total. Not worth it.
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    Since Hera is not lead, her damage wouldn't be all that high (the offense wouldn't stack). The extra expose is okay but eh, not that great. Sabine is very good, just unsure if she would be better than Leia
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    Keep in mind too that sabine is really weak against Zarriss since her basic does a bunch of 2k or 3k hits. Your only saving grace on that would be armor shred.
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    Keep in mind too that sabine is really weak against Zarriss since her basic does a bunch of 2k or 3k hits. Your only saving grace on that would be armor shred.

    Exact, except if CG convert multiple basic attack to be non crit or never crit, sabine is the best betrayal toon you may have against zarriss. She completly heal toon on the opponent side...
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