Thrawn unlocked - need arena advice

Hey guys... I recently unlocked Thrawn and I want to put him in my arena squad.

I am currently running Rex (L) - Chaze - Nihilus - R2. It does work well on offense, but on defense I drop like a stone.

I am not sure, if I should just swap out Nihilus, cause he is the only possibility for me to take out CLS oder Han Solo.

But I guess on defense he often kills himself by using his AOE while he is not stealthed.

Here is my I would be very pleased, if you guys could take a look on it.


  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    Nihilus needs to be stealthed by R2 to avoid getting himself killed from the counters to his AoE. I stopped using him, because he either died before using annihilate or else the battle was over before it had cooled down.
  • Options
    On offense I use annihilate 2 times per battle most of the times, even against CLS / Han Solo teams. but I think, he weakens my team on defense, because the AI does not play him correctly.
  • MPac
    196 posts Member
    I have been running a 5* zzThrawn (L), shore, zTarkin, zHan, EP. (And before zHan it was just TFP) and have had amazing success vs. Meta. When the event started I got Thrawn both to 7* and gear 12 and now I can bear any CLS team I face. Honestly it's double tanks and/or the occasional Barris that gives me the most trouble.
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