You have a life! Join our casual guild. 45M GP nAAT, heroic Pit

Ori'ramikade 501st is recruiting. We're a group of players brought together by our shared love of grinding up pointless characters to fill platoons (looking at you Lobot). We run heroic rancor 2 or 3 times a week and normal aat once or twice. You need at least one hero at 7* so you can get rancor rewards. The only requirements are being active, level 75+ and observing the raid rules. We define active as active within the last 10 to 12 days. But we have started booting for total inactivity during tb if it's a new member. We have a 24 hour zero damage rule on the Pit and Tank raids. If you're unfamiliar with that, it means that for the first 24 hours of the raid you enter with a single toon, don't attack the boss, and then die. This gives everybody a chance to get rewards. Once 24 hours is up, have at it. If this is violated three times, then the offender is booted.

We're working on heroic aat teams. If you want to develop your roster and move on, cool. If you want to stick around, even better. We just tried our first hAAT and stalled near the end of phase 2. We take out the normal tank raid without a reset once the zero damage period is over. We'll be retrying hAAT the second week of November.

We got 19* in territory battles, but 20* were within reach. We expect that on the next go around. The more people we have who monitor guild chat and/or get on discord, the better we'll do.

We have 2 spots available after booting raid rule violators. We recently set up a discord channel, I'm bertie wooster#7100 on there. Discord isn't required, but in game chat is almost useless for coordination and passing information around.  It's pretty useful for territory battles. Send me an ally request 598 838 388. Once that is accepted, leave your current guild and an invite to our guild will be sent. Alternately, join us on discord in case the guild fills up in the meantime and we'll see about making space.

Some of us are on swgoh database. If you haven't synced up your account yet, you should. It lets you search your mods easily and it lets guild members see what toons are in the guild. That lets people know which platoons are possible or not in territory battles. Other useful sites use data as well.
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