Experienced Guild Looking to fill 5 Spots with ACTIVE mbr's. English/USA Guild

Just cleaned out all our inactive members, so we have room for 6 spots. Our guild is full of funny, informative, and ppl that play as a team whether it be donations, giving strategies, and awesome characters you can use/borrow to help you through you light, dark, and Cantina battles. My light side and dark side guys I have available to borrow are below. We are 24 hours from our next 7* Pit Raid (Heroic) if you join, and have at least one 7* character you will be rewarded, as we can beat the raid within an hour even with our 44 ppl, the majority (92% of us) are lvl 85, with really hard hitters. Any questions please feel free to ask. Add me as a friend, and make sure you leave your current guild if already in one that is currently not making the progress you'd like, then once I accept you as a friend I will send guild invite. we will be running 7* pit raid! Must join before 9:30pm Eastern Time to be apart of raid. We are a strong guild looking for strong candidates. PM me for more information

Discord: StealthAssassin#3385
My ID# 926-445-943



Join us at Twilighthunters!! Must be 85+ to join. My ID# 926-445-943


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