WAC is calling your name! Join with us!


Wookies are Chewy (WAC) is a HPit and HAAT raiding guild

We have 40/50 currently, and are looking for those last few players to get us to full capacity.

We are fairly serious about TB and want to up our star count for the almighty hermit

We only have a couple requirements:
Join Discord - lets face it, in game chat is broken and unpredictable. Discord works great!
create a swgoh.gg profile - you dont even have to log in after its been created :)
Daily tickets - we would *like* 600, but we understand this is a game! Couple days of 400-500 is not going to get you kicked. We have a family atmosphere and we take real life into consideration.
PARTICIPATE! We enjoy this game and its frustrations. We all are active on discord, and talk about anything and everything there. We have guides, team building resources, links to helpful videos etc.

Guild Time is USA CST (but no daylight savings time) and we start raids shortly after refresh, usually 8pmCST

One thing to note: Out HPit rules are a bit different than most others. In order to keep it fair with the amount of people who can solo it, we run "Price is Right" rules. This keeps it fair for everyone involved, no matter your power or level. I can explain more to anyone interested in joining with us.

Now, who wants to farm GK SHARDS??


DISCORD: Grommit#4493


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