Future character additions, give us a heads up.

I have a very small request that may help you guys with MAJOR headaches later regarding the community. Please give us a heads up (at least a few weeks) of what characters you will be adding to the shipments (cantina, arena, GW). This isn't any kind of request so people can stockpile or prepare for upcoming characters...the crystal refresh can keep most people from bombarding shipments and getting a 7* character the same day of release (unless whale).

This has to do with giving the community a heads up on their farming routines. Now we all know crystals = $$, and we all think you guys should be turning a profit...but this is mainly throwing F2P or moderate spenders a bone. An example:

I'm farming FOTP everyday, multiple refreshes, and node refreshes. I can tell you I would be VERY upset getting 3-4 shards daily for MONTHS in order to 7* this character, only to have it be available in GW shipments by the time I finish him. Would it take away my crystal spending? No, I would invest elsewhere (I have loads of gear to farm for my current roster). What it would do is save you guys a massive headache hearing people complain and go NUTS after a previously hard to farm hero became as simple as say Lumi ect.

All I'm asking is a simple heads up "hey we are adding A, B, and C to Shipments" a few weeks in advance. You won't lose the money, it will be spent elsewhere, and it would be an incredible outreach to the community. I feel like heroes are dropped on us without much time to prepare (QGJ was a nice gift but unexpected as well as the Yoda event which left little to prepare for).

I'm speaking mainly for people currently farming heroes that have only 1-3 nodes available to them. It's an incredible farm, and many of your players pick their hero and went all in farming them from the start. To drop those characters into easier to farm spots would be a complete waste of time for most over the past few months, let alone the weeks wasted without a heads up.

Alternatively, if the plan is NOT to include already available heroes into shipments...that information would also be greatly appreciated. Are shipments reserved for new additions only or chromium exclusives. Or will other heroes be merged into there over time (ie. Rey, FOTP, Ewok Elder. All difficult farmed heroes). Some heads up would go a long way for peoples planning.
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