Guild 45/50 players with GP 67m is looking for 5 players who will fit our easygoing community

hey there,
Our guild just lost 5 players which we would like to replace.
Who we are:
International guild with most of members from Europe.
Heroic Pit - starts every possible day at 19:00 UTC
HAAT - due to worldwide team we rotate 3 start times: 5:00 UTC, 13:00 UTC, 19:00 UTC
Both raids have 24-hour registration phase with caps.

Territory Battles - our usual result is 30*, which we want to extend.
Our current GP after removal of 4 players is 67M.

So that were stats and facts :) We are easygoing group of people talking a lot on LINE. We are relaxed just when TB is there we try to organize our team to get better result but since there are 24-hour phases it's no stress at all :)
We would like fill all 5 spots so any group people up to 5 will be fine.
We are looking for guys who are able to provide 600 raids tickets most of the time (we don't track it and won't boot you if you go on vacation :) and also since our focus is on TB we would appreciate players who have GP around 1.5m but can be lower if they are willing to focus on needed characters.
We don't require to have CLS or Capt Han and so on. You will get them with us sooner or later.
Below you can find contact info so feel free to add me when interested.

Our guild:

LINE ID: poisonsvk
Ally code: 744-797-174
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