The Prodigal Militia - Feeder guild recruiting

Hello fellow heroes!

Our primary guild has decided to start a sister, or feeder guild for new players, and players that don't feel like they are quite prepared for TB or HAAT.

We are looking for players that are looking to expand their squads and build their required teams to participate in HAAT and TB. This should be a laid back guild where players are able to focus on themselves and their current goals, and not have to stress about performances in raids.

If we can, we will still be launching Heroic pit raids. We will have some good players that can help guide newer players through the process. We have a 24 hour 0 damage rule on all Heroic Pit raids. If you are unsure how to register with 0 damage, please let us know and we can help guide you through the process.

All raids alternate between 7AM PST and 7PM PST. We feel this gives players the opportunity to participate in at least one of the two times if one doesn't work for them.

This is a mostly US based clan, so the 7AM/7PM PST time period seems to work for most of us. This is also an English speaking clan. If you can not speak the language, please find a group that is better suited for you. We do enjoy coordinating during raids/TB so understanding the language is a must.

We also have a GroupMe chat dedicated to the clan. Some of us do not enjoy the in game chat as we feel it is lacking, so we created a GroupMe for easier communication. If you are interested in the GroupMe, let me know in game and I can shoot you the link.

We currently have a level 70 restriction on joining, this may change in the future. Again, we are looking for people that want to grow and eventually be sent over to our main guild, The Prodigal Army. If you are interested in a laid back clan, please consider joining The Prodigal Militia.

Thanks for your time!
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