Ship Omegas Please

Any eta on when ship omegas will be available in the future?


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    Yes they were in pack a while back if you miss it buy $$$ then that boat has sailed.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Ship omegas were in a pack? What? They don't have omega abilities...or do I not even understand what we're talking about?
    I need a new message here.
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    Yes they were in pack a while back if you miss it buy $$$ then that boat has sailed.

    They were briefly in ship packs being sold. At that time, in game, it also said they’d be received daily, just like normal omega mats. That language was changed. So yes, they were briefly available, but they were also to be free.

    TVF wrote: »
    Ship omegas were in a pack? What? They don't have omega abilities...or do I not even understand what we're talking about?

    Once a pilot reaches gear 11 there’s a 7th level of their ability that unlocks with a mix of ship ability mats, ship omegas being some of them.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Ship omegas were in a pack? What? They don't have omega abilities...or do I not even understand what we're talking about?

    all ships have omega :D
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Once a pilot reaches gear 11 there’s a 7th level of their ability that unlocks with a mix of ship ability mats, ship omegas being some of them.

    Ah ok, I don't have anyone above G10 yet so I didn't pay attention to the last ability level on the ships. Thanks.

    I need a new message here.
  • CK_3030
    177 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    If you click on the omega ship parts it says we can get them in an unspecified neutral location. So it seems that when CG does release them, they'll be on a level/stage 8 cantina node.
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