To 'Chris' on my server (lvl 70)

55 posts Member
edited February 2016
Wondering if you are ever on these forums. My game name is Rhil Margos (I got a random one assigned I think) in game. Our top 5 server ranks were you, Coots, Crazyguy, Rhil Margos (me), and Swelay after reset today. I was rank 4 and you were 1 when I beat you with 2-3 minutes before rewards went out but you knocked me back down to rank 4 before reset :( (I shouldn't have been so stingy and just paid the 100 crystals to block until reset but that's besides the point).

Your team was: Phasma (L), Kylo, Daka, GS, Resistance Pilot
My team was: Sid (L), Daka, GS, QGJ, Lumi

Just wanted to say your squad was really solid and somewhat unique with Pilot. It took me 3 attempts to beat you. One game your Phasma leader ability triggered Daka on your first 3 attacks and she stunned two chars, then one, then two again. Resistance Pilot evaded a lethal attack and one shot someone for around 11k... brutal.

Anyway I doubt I put up much of a fight on defense since two of my characters are only 5* and don't have their abilities upgraded past level 3 yet. Hopefully once they get maxed we will have some good back and forth games, I'd like to know how I do on defense.

Is anyone else from my server out there?


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    k2solbri wrote: »
    Resistance Pilot evaded a lethal attack and one shot someone for around 11k... brutal.

    How did this happen? Special crits for 6k?

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    xJazzx wrote: »
    k2solbri wrote: »
    Resistance Pilot evaded a lethal attack and one shot someone for around 11k... brutal.

    How did this happen? Special crits for 6k?

    He was revived by Old Daka and got the offense up buff, advantage and the attack may have been from GS's assist attack ability I can't remember. Maybe my guy was exposed or something, it was absurdly high though.
  • Frost1k
    10 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    It's my server✌
    But I'm 8 day in a row finished 1.
    And i get 500 free crys
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    Hey I am on this server, usually top 4 depending on if I am in class for that last 30 minutes of sniping (during the week).

    Last night raiders sniped and locked me from first but I got 90 seconds at the end and pulled out a first again with 8 seconds to spare. Since finally getting Rey up to 6 shards and qgj to 7 in the past week I have been able to take pretty much everyone down on offense but my defense is not strong.

    Since I am behind the bar on weekends I don't even attempt to stay on top then. What time zone is everyone in? PST here and wondering if we all are battling in the same one. Lohr.
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Sniped 1 again tonight but feel guilty about it
  • k2solbri
    55 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey Lohr I see you in the top 5 often and I think we go back and forth before reset on certain days. I'm on mountain time here. I think our server's top players all run high offense low defense teams and it mostly comes down to who has the most time to snipe before reset. I still have three 6* characters on my squad but I doubt it will make a huge difference once they are maxed. I'm curious, am i more of a pushover on defense than anyone else? Do you think there are any viable defensive comps for our server?

    Edit: I'm 'Rhil Margos' in game btw
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    Also I think we are lucky that there aren't any whales on our server (yet).
  • Nikademus
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi! I'm on your server too! This is Mol Eliza Nika Demus.
    Good to see you here, I purposely signed on an account just to say hello. I'm +8h to Greenwich time. Meaning I'm in Shanghai these days. How come you guys are on my server? I thought they put people on local time zone servers? My galaxy war timer resets exactly at midnight for me. How about you?
    @k2solbri, the only time i got on position 1 I might have sniped you. Literally 5 seconds before end... I had 1:35 minutes to fight before payout and I made it five seconds before end! Bad conscious I had ;-) today i got on place 2.
    Our server is quite nice, nobody is unbeatable. And yes, the top 10 are mostly offensive teams. Between 20-50 there are more defensive teams with Poe, but they don't seem to get into the top 10; I wonder why, any thoughts?
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    Hey Nikademus, are you a newer player or only recently getting into more competitive arena? I've only started seeing you in arena within the past week or so, but that may be due to our time difference. I'm in MST (14 hours behind you). You didn't snipe me from payout, no worries. My arena payout is 1 am gmt and my daily reset is 7 am gmt. Our server is weird, everyone appears to be from different areas of the world, there aren't any hardcore whales (runningmoon might be one I'm not sure), and there doesn't seem to be a lot of payout competition. They've been stealth merging realms though so it's probably a matter of time to happen to us. Do you have a lot of competition in your time zone? I'm very curious to hear what my team does when played by the AI if you can remember playing against me. I'm trying to find out when everyone's arena payout times are so we can avoid getting in the way of each others payouts.
  • Nikademus
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I am playing since end of November or beginning of December. Because I'm F2P, except of one time 21 days 100 shards, I'm a bit slow to get to 7 stars, though now I have 8 characters at max. Furthermore since I started to have one single 50 shards reset per day in the area I break into the top 20 or top 10 everyday, unless I got passed down into the 60ies. Luckily this hasn't happen for a while.

    My payout is 10am GMT, I.e. 6pm my time, and my turn resets 4pm GMT, I.e. Midnight my time. Your reset and payout seem to be different, I always thought everyone has the same reset time! This would prove your theory and would make things much easier.

    Competition is only tough between 40-100. As soon as I break the top 20 nobody is sniping my place repeatedly. I think players at higher ranking understand it doesn't make sense to exchange places with the same guy again and again.

    I also believe Runningmoon and definitely Raider are whales, but that's about it. Raider's characters have helped me a lot in the beginning as he had all those exotic chromium characters at high levels which I could use when I was one to three stars.

    What team are you running? I'm kind of sure I can tell you how I fare against your team or if I burned my finger and avoiding it now when you tell me your defensive toon composition. (Edit: I answered you in the other thread)
    Post edited by Nikademus on
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    Payouts are definitely different, they are based on time zones. Runningmoon is never active when I am which is good because some of his squads I've seen him use are terrifying. Chris is not in my zone either but for some reason he periodically fights for rank 1 throughout the ENTIRE day. I have no idea why. I know Lohr is either an hour ahead or behind me, I can't remember which. Coots is the only person I've seen compete for first in my payout time. I have a feeling the majority of players on our shard are in an area far from me, like western Europe or Asia. As far as spending goes I'm probably somewhere between f2p and p2w, I spend a decent amount, but only on crystals for energy refreshes.
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    Due to day light savings my payout is now 7:00 PM PST, with reset at 1:00 AM. It is less ideal so you don't see me competing around payout as often and I settle for top 10 a lot. I have a controls class MW, and electromagnetics class T/Th that start st 6:40.

    I win 9 out of 10 games offensively since everyone runs dooku, but that means I have to run yoda with qg lead for that opening battle meditation. With already having paper-mache Rey, I know my team is an easy target on defense! Almost have imperial guard to 6* so might play around with that again but looking forward to the balance tweaks so we can see less dooku. I have refused to farm him since the beginning because I hate the character and maxed resistance pilot instead of GS but just never have fallen in love with RP while playing. Lessons in this game tend to be a little harsh!

    The teams I try to avoid are the 3 glass cannon teams with dooku lead as its way more RNG but generally it's usually only 2 on our server. We do use a lot of Daka's though!

    Good playing with you guys,

  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    Do you guys ever participate in the Reddit sub, ?

    Tends to be a pretty good productive group, if a bit whiny the past couple days.
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    Hello Lohr, good to read from you! We are actually not that bad on defence as we don't fall so much. I haven't fallen below 22 the last few days so I didn't need to even get one refresh!
    I'll check out the Reddit group, thanks!
    PS I am trying to use Asajj more but Daka makes me win easier. Both are fully equipped and levelled.
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    I have quite odd characters maxed: Besides Asajj Ventress I have Biggs Starlighter... I still yet have to find a use for him.
    @Lohr: I loose more against Rey than against any other glass canon, so your choice wasn't so bad. I wanted to go for RP next, but you say she's not that good? Than I would go for Magma next after finishing my IG86. What do you think?
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    It's quite odd these days, I'm number one for the last hour already, so I suppose nobody is having their payout now, or maybe it's because it's Sunday?
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    @k2solbri: you're right, Chris fights for number 1 all day long! He just took the number 1 place from me... Well, it's ok, I had some fights left before midnight so unjust went for place 1, but my payout is 18h from now so I can climb up again then.
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    I haven't been able to compete for the last couple days because I've been pouring concrete in my yard :frowning: I haven't been on the reddit, are people from our shard on there? I run qgj and yoda to get around dooku too. I just got yoda to seven stars tonight actually.
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    I have shards for Biggs to take him to 6 already if they ever bring in Ships.

    RP would be good on a dooku team with the foresight proc but on my qgj team, RP was generally dead weight. I think assaj might be really good when they do the speed/defense rebalancing in a couple weeks.

    With speed being an inverse factor for damage, slow characters will get a slight damage buff and fast ones will see their top end damage go down.

    Grays on yoda! Finished it up Saturday morning by swapping Tano for Mace. My barris was not going to make 7 stars anytime soon ( half way to 6). So gave it a try and it was much more approachable. Lumi lead, qgj, consular, Eeth, AT.

    I have been getting magma shards but only 4 star so far so haven't leveled at all.
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    Well there went my 3k crystal stockpile but it allowed me to finish out 72 today although for 1200 less crystals I could have done it first thing tomorrow. **** the impulse control!
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    My yoda team was barriss lead, qgj, lumi, jc, and Anakin. I got lucky on my second try and got mace +barriss for adds. I haven't been stockpiling energy or burning crystals to race to 80 so I'm going to fall behind for a bit. I'm only halfway to 72 atm.
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    Did you guys see they actually announced guilds, chat, and raids are being released in the next patch. Might be fun to join together especially if most of us are on different payout times.
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    Agreed! Not sure how guilds would work but based on activity, this thread seems like a good place to start one!
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    I might have over spent my crystals today to get to 72 but my strategy has been to make sure my energy is always near 0 for both cantina and regular plus logging in at the 3 bonus times.
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    I don't even know what to use my energy on... Is a problem I never thought I would have. The only chars I'm farming are rg and fotp. I guess i should farm Rey too. Are you farming gear in advance?
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    Rey is nice and I don't think will be nerfed much with the rebalancing as her power is tied to a passive that can be negated easily with a debuff. After I farm my rg/fotp hard points I do the energy refills up to 200 and farm stun cuffs, I need so many of them. Cantina I am aimless right now. Was farming bariss but since I have yoda, don't need her now. So going between lab do and Chewie for the scoundrel event. The ability materials are my main focus in cantina so higher level nodes have higher chance of level 3 materials which I am always low on.
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    Did they confirm the scoundrel event and what's required for it?
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    No, I am just covering my bases. Have chewy, lando, cad, boba, greedo at 5 stars so far.
  • Lohr
    15 posts Member
    Has anyone here done much "research" on how guilds are going to work? Same server or cross server? Guild activities, do they have time window, i.e.: if the guild leader starts it at noon everyone needs to contribute by 1:00

    Not sure if I should start looking for one or wait until I know more.
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