MandalorianPondSkum: 92m+ GP, 35* TB, Heroic Rancor, HAAT looking for 2

21 posts Member
edited October 2017
We've recently dropped a couple dead weights and are looking to add 2 active 2m GP players. We use LINE as our external chat application and require you have an account on

Heroic Pit: Launched every 2-3 days. First 24 hours hit with a designated toon, free for all after that. We're down to only a couple members who do not have Raid Han at 7* so we try to limit our damage and allow them to finish in the top 3.

HAAT: Launched every 2-3 days. Post a 0 for the first 12 hours, phases 1, 2 FFA after 12 hours, phases 3, 4 FFA after 6 hours. Everyone is still building their General Kenobi.

We're a very friendly, semi-competitive bunch. Not many rules but are looking to boost our Territory Battles performance. Join us and we can rule the Galaxy together!

Reply here, or hit me up on LINE at bozotheclone.

Post edited by bozotheclone on
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